Just got back from a deployment and faced brother for some beatdowns
Did better than expected but ultimately lost as expected.
Fared better at the arcades though, most of what I landed with my core team seemed easy, the more complex characters I’m learning or not too good with yet not so much.
Far cry from when I was excessively practicing at home.
Sometimes I wonder if its possible to overtrain sometimes.
Sometims just getting in there and just playing is best, though going in their with bullets is definitely better than merely “winging it.”
Anyone else feel the same sometims after a long haitus?
not sure if it was beginner luck or people are just starting to loose it gradually.
Probably a combination of using odd characters + luck + having practiced a ton before I left; much of what I was doing was as easy as riding a bike.
I finally had a chance to watch some of the cvs2 matches from japan that were posted, and it was crazy to see people get hit by saks cc reset so many times lol. Oh and let’s not forget bas…BAS of all people dropping customs. I think everyone who’s played the game has pretty much fallen off in the execution department. Easy mode games like sf4 don’t help much either.
i love cvs2, but i find myself sometimes still trying to do sf4 combos wit ken and ryu. but i don’t think there is such a thing as over-training since it becomes muscle memory afterwards. but i do think it’s bad when you don’t remember why you use to do certain things at certain times on the dime.
i don’t know if any1 else does this but i write down things when i learn why i should do it everytime when something specific happens, and refer it as a cross reference to help teach friends when i don’t remember it off hand. helps me remember tactics i’ve forgotten after so long of not using them.
I suspect it has something to do with how hard you try when practicing and how hard it is to view things in a sort of abstract perspective from looking too much into it.
Said another way it just seems easier to “be” a step ahead if you relax a bit, and a break does that for me.