Outrageous!- The Aquaman Thread

I’ll edit later :stuck_out_tongue:

All hail the king!

Let’s start with the basic

First …


Now you are ready to start this outrageous adventure




MB=Meter burn
If you have the sf inputs on (alt controls)
db= quarter circle back
df= quarter circle foward
fb=Half circle foward
bf=Half circle back


d+2; b+1,2~db1; f+2~1+3 - 19%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 25%
AA j+2; b+1,2~db1; f+2~1+3 - 25%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 29%
b+1,2~db+2; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 30%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 33%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 34%

Back to the corner

d+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 19%
b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 22%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 25%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 30%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 33%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 - 33%

d+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 27%
b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 34%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 37%
AA j+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 37%
b+1,2~db+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 39%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 41%
b+1,2~db+2 [MB]; b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; f+2~1+3 - 41%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 42%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 42%

Back to the corner
d+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; 22~db+2 - 27%
b+1,2~db+1; b+1,2~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 34%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; 22~db+2 - 37%
b+1,2~db+2; b+1,2~db+2 [MB]; f+2~1+3 - 39%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; 22~db+2 - 41%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; 22~db+2 - 42%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~db+2 [MB]; 22~db+2 - 42%

Super Move
d+2; b+1,2~db1; 22~SM - 30%
b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 39%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 42%
AA j+2; b+1,2~db1; 22~SM - 42%
b+1,2~db+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 43%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 45%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 45%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 46%

Back to the corner
d+2; b+1,2~db1; 22~SM - 30%
b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 39%
b+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 42%
b+1,2~db+2; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 44%
b+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 45%
f+3; j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 45%
j+3; b+1,2~db+1; 22~SM - 46%

Edit: All is right in this thread.




;-; now i feel bad

Lol fix’d

Btw lol @ ex trident rush. i love that move <3 if blocked it will do like 14% chip damage and give you a lot of meter (2 bars = 6 ex TR in a row)

I really want to make an Aquamang combo video, but I need to buy some component cables for my PS3 first :confused:

I found a 50% midscreen combo with Aquamang (it uses one of those interactable wall bounces) with one meter and a 52% combo (without the interactable wall bounce) for one meter.

The 50% one needs a jump in with the heavy attack though for it to reach 50%, without the jump in it’s about 45% I think.
The notations: (With “i” being ineractable and “m” indicating meter burn)

I’ll edit this post later with the notations for the 52% combo.

Is it possible to hit confirm with this character?

I made a short Aquaman combo video, but I want to put some things out there:

  1. I’m sorry for the bad quality, I didn’t get around to getting HD component cables for my PS3 yet.
  2. I’m sorry for the song choice, I had no idea what would be fitting until afterwards when I thought of “Aquaman’s Rousing Song of Heroism” from the OP. Even then, my song choice wasn’t very fitting :confused:
  3. I’m mainly looking for some advice/criticism, tell me if the combos were at all practical, etc.
  4. I’m working on notations for the combos, the annotations for the last one are in the video description.


There it is, prepare yourself for the Windows Movie Maker horror.

I always forget i can use IO in the combos lol

Yes. But injustice combos are weird…

By mistake i found that you can hit B3 after Using the MB version of DB2

How do you guys get in with aquaman?

against which characters?

his forward dash is great, so that’s a start; his air 2 has a lot of range, so you might not have to get too close to them; or he could just stay back and let the opponent come to him. if it’s zoning you’re trying to get it on, you could try his water shield+dash, or try and knock them down with a ground trident and then dash in. sorry if that’s not the best advice, i’ve only been playing aquaman for a little while.

I just picked him up today. I kept using air 3 when i was playing lol

I forgot that he cancel his parry to a dash. Thanks for the help

his air 3 is great for crossups, and he can get his regular BnB off of it <3
i kept using his air 2, but you can’t use it too close to the opponent or too high off the ground or else it will whiff. i guess his standard jump in is air 1.
his water shield is great against zoners, but activating it while you’re being zoned can be a difficult.

Yeah activating shield againts deadpool when he is zoning is asking to be shot in the face

How do you play againts shazam? :I

Need help with Deathstroke matchup. I have such a hard time getting in.