Other than the Bern dummy data and Rena’s name, nothing.
There’s no word on whenever these two are going to be added or not,
but based on the amount of data Bern has plus the fact that she was found ingame when forcing the game to highlight the empty lower-row middle coffin makes it pretty certain that she’s going to be introduced somewhere down the road.
As for Rena… that one is uncertain since all we got is a name in the files.
I don’t think the game is dying,
it’s just that AH3 has just come out, the game that everyone has been waiting for.
It’ll balance out eventually, probably, maybe.
Setting up netplay is easy, even I could do it. Just make sure your port 7700 (the default port OMK uses) is forwarded, find someone to play with you on the internet (good place to go to is the #ougon room in Mizuumi), go to Versus then Network, decide who’s going to host and who’ll connect, have the person who’ll host provide the person connecting their IP, host selects first option and the person connecting selects the second option and types in their IP and voila you should be playing assuming the host’s port is forwarded.
Just got this game yesterday, seems really cool. Now to just wrap my head around the mechanics. The lack of airdashing really threw me for a loop since I’m so used to it in these kinds of games :lol: . Are there combos posted up anywhere besides random forum posts? Seems hard to find any central source for things like that on this game.