Alright it’s officially February. I am going to try and get an poster done up by the end of the day. Anyone go to Carleton or Ottawa U that can put up posters if I bring them Thursday?
I also need to finalize our list of games. Do we have enough interest to run:
• Skullgirls
• Tekken
• Smash Bros.
I will talk to the smash community today and see what’s up with them.
If there’s smash, then I’ll jump in to get my entry fee back.
I think Tekken and ST would bring in a decent number of players. Provided the guys who play Tekken come out.
I think there’ll be enough for Tekken. I know Forest’s posted here and talked about it a bit, and I let AAK know and he said he’d tell the Tekken guys so they should probably come out for it. And if they do, then I’ll be up for signing up for it too. Also, I think the Smash guys are going to come out. They were talking about mentioning it to people from other cities and stuff, so there should be a decent number. I just asked them to make sure they had an agreed/designated list of stages and rules on hand just in case there’s an issue. I’m trying to pass word around for Blazblue, though I admittedly aren’t entirely sure on where else to advertise even though I’ve spoken to some of the Montreal guys.
I’m procrastinating studying so I’m going to rank Ottawa SF4 players based on my opinion and observations watching people play. Let me know if I forget anyone. Commas indicate an intentional ordering, slashes a tie or me being unsure.
Jensine/GonzoShow S
Hash/GeneiJin A+
Pritz/Verbal A
Krackatoa (Mostly basing this off that ranbat win)/ RealDaddy-O
**B+ **
FamilyMan/PLA Soldier, Essay, Hot Toy/iRockTheVote (Bipson bucks mm??)
**B **
Rafman, AznRetro GIMMICKS TIER
Gwai Lo FREE
Edits: Added William.
Most improved player of 2013 goes to both Raf and Will imo
Most improved player of 2012 to Hash
I mostly agree with the list I think. One change I would put would be:
Only cause personally Hash and I go back and forth but he beats me more than I beat him. I don’t think GeneiJin has ever beaten me in a set but that’s probably a match up thing.
And William is for sure God Tier.
You are good. It is listed as having 10ms of lag which is sub 1 frame.
Algonquin College. e206b. 2nd Floor above the Starbucks.
Bring a controller plz. Bring stations if you want a guaranteed place to play.
5pm until Midnight (or whenever I stroke out from high sodium intake…)
I don’t have the car tonight so I can only bring a console and stick. No monitor tonight, sorry.
I’ll be there at 5pm though so bring your quarters for some high roller action.