Ottawa Thread 2014

Yo. We have a Smash Tourney on the 31st, same location I just posted above. As for Injustice, we have a few players, but not a ton. I also don’t have a patched console, atm.

Oh awesome. Do I have to register in advance or anything like that, or can I just show up on-site?

Damnit, it doesn’t look we’ll have the ability to pre-order the USFIV update for XBL through EB Games, the way people Stateside can through Gamestop. Means it’s less likely I’ll have my Elena DLC costumes at meetups. -_-

55 for Smash singles. Get bodied, everyone else.

nobody cares about smash. literally no one. not even those 55 scrubs.

Maybe if there was less hostility-laced salty tears and more hype, we’d be able to get more than 16 people for SF/Marvel/GG/BB/Tekken combined without having like a bunch of the Montreal Airdasher scene coming down to bump things up by 10.

Misrepresenting our turnouts much? More people than that go to Gonq every week.

You never come out
You don’t play games
Come out or shut the fuck up.

how can he come out when he cant afford gas?

What does that even mean?

I wouldn’t take it to be that. I was just trying to make a point, I was hardly bashing the people who do show up, since I’m pretty obviously not that kinda person. I just don’t like ignorant shit being said, and my comments weren’t things to be taken seriously. Hell, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be impossible to integrate some Smash players into SF/Marvel/Tekken/BB/GG/whatever. I’m not saying give them special treatment. Just if they show up, let them play a few games with you, tell them what they need to do, and then like you say, the rest is on them to figure out.

All I’m saying is if you ask to hype up the non-Smash stuff in their Smash groups and discussion threads etc, to try and get some more people interested, a few might well show up. And hell, if we put stuff for their things out and around to get a couple more people for them, it’s mutually beneficial. Of course, this will probably get entirely misinterpreted and taken the wrong way as opposed to me trying to help things, so I should probably just say “whatever” and forget about it. I’m just trying (probably in vain) to bridge the gap, even if just a little bit.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, you just want to talk.

The Smash people do their own thing because its convenient for both them and us though. We have our weekly thing, and they have their monthly thing that they can get out of towners for along with the other people who may not be able to show up on a weekly basis. Its not like we’re segregating from them or anything. Hell, there were even Smash players playing at our small AE setup.

I’m not trying to start shit or anything, but I’d suggest looking a bit more into things before saying you don’t like ignorant shit being said.

Actually, there’s 20+ guys who consistently come out. In fact, we’ve even got new people showing up.

Any argument for why Smash has more players is flawed if it isn’t, "because it has a wider fan-base and target demographic."
This can’t be helped and isn’t anyone’s fault; nobody at Gonq is shunning anyone or any such crap.

If anyone is interested, including Smash players, they’ll show up, socialize, and come again; there’s no need to bother Smashboards.

Crap I thought there was no meetup so I didn’t go. So there is no Algonquin meetup this week? Gotchya.

Frankly we are lucky we have Bruce holding these gatherings. Just be thankful.

Bruce is the host with the most. Even if it’s not his own venue.

So how bout Colossus doing his MvC2 super in the new x-men movie? that was dope

I’m going to be blunt. Everyone is tired of you posting like your comments are relevant here. You don’t come out to anything other than the occasional tournament, and there’s always the same excuse of lack of gas for your motor vehicle so you can’t make it anywhere. No one knows you. Your attempts at light-hearted jokes and jabs are lost on everyone.

You have no idea how hospitable and encouraging players at meetups are with new people. Online doesn’t reflect real life, I thought you knew this by now.

If you wanna “bridge the gap”, start with yourself. Come out or forever be stuck with no gas.

Also, ThaRealDaddy-Oreo is free at Kirby.

he sucks at zelda too

All I need is Bomberman and Puzzle Fighter.

You’ve barely even played that game