Ottawa Thread 2012

iite… i could pass for 18 just need dat id

There is that guy that i mistake for you every time.

Buddy our Ottawa tournaments are hosted out of a licensed venue as well. Not accepting people below drinking age is kind of retarded. Just use wrist bands or ask for ID to purchase drinks. Hurr Durr.

To tell the truth I don’t play fighting games ._.
I’m going cuz I have a buddy who really likes fighting games and I’m just kinda there for the ride.
I play SF4/a bit of KOF, and I can’t even do my supers/ultras consistently in SF4 lol.

Anyways, I’m one of those e-sports people you guys like to ridicule. (SC player here)

Especially since Masa is the REAL canadian desk. How’s he gonna teach you quebexicans how to play this game if he can’t come rofl



Lots of starcraft players around here, don’t worry.

Dude i know, trust me its pretty unfair for a lot players who wants to come. But hey thats the deal man, i know the guys at foonzo are really strict when its comes to respect the rules, so yeah…

Did Phoung get nailed for selling to underage people in the past or something? It’s just… bizarre. Wasn’t an issue at the previous events there…

Anyone going to Nemesis have an extra seat? Let me know.

Aiming to start the tourney at 9PM on Friday

I will probably go to nemesis and as of now, my car is empty.
However, there is always a reasonable chance that i will have to cancel at last minute. (i put the odds at 25%)

so if you really want to go and have no other alternatives, send me a pm

Jesus, didn’t any of you have rides before?
car is full

This is Ottawa. Planning 24 hours ahead of time is “planning well in advance” for most people around here.

Doesn’t Nini make his trips to Ottawa via Greyhound? Anyone super serial should just do the same if worse comes to worst.

I would do that, but I know shit all about Montreal and would have no idea where I’d be staying.

You could really just go there and come back on the same day if you wanted.

js master vs brazil in 2 hours or something

So anyone else got an extra seat? Ill chip in for gas or buy you lunch, don’t wanna come off as a freeloader or something. Nemesis is on the 17th amirite?