me and ehsan on one team pls!!!
ummm parry this?
Smokers check this out.
We should try this w/ weed.
:rolleyes: It’s random teams for a reason
Random teams are only good in weekly ranbats… otherwise there’s no point. Are you guys even keeping track to use the ranbats as seeds?
I dont know if I should be happy to know that you and Ahmed arent the best Tetris players in the world or if I should be sad that it only means I suck way more than I though in this game:sweat:
Bitches. Im back and I want to play. Cb, Dee, Tak. Lets do this shit
GET READY TO DIE! (that means u Ahmed)
skip this post if need be it’s just a random rant:
lag is gay and makes me want to stomp on baby kittens…
what ever happened to Bomb Voyage? was he caught or did he go into hiding as well?
steve let’s play alpha 3 on wednesday night, the a3 cab is never broken.
can anyone confirm if the a3 cab is broken…also, we should make use of montreal’s proximity to ottawa and play a3 with them. SARs said we can come and play with them anytime…and those guys are all nasty. and we can smoke blunt n ish too.
X-Adon is mine now Ahmed, you can only be my under-study.
aslo, in case you haven’t been studying Ahmed:
ill x-adons!
A3 worked alright but psychic Zangief beasted me. X gief does so much damage
I was walkin on the bike path alongside the canal and witnessed a chipmunk get run over by a speed bike. That fucked up my day…
yeah same, i tried a3 friday to play with my rolento and gief just 360’d through rolento’s unblockable vc.
so i said fuck it and went back to 3s.
Big dave, i work wednesday til 10 brother.
when else you free?
console A3 this friday?
get your Primo tickets now… i dont want complaints that they were sold out. 9 days left. dont wait til next wednesday
tickets for what?
That fucked up my day just reading about it…
edit: what are these “Credits” next to my name?
edit: and why would i want to donate them?
cabbage: [kab-ij]
- How old the taxi is.
ehsan, get the call of duty 4 multiplayer beta, it’s beast
btw i just thought about this, since we have a lot of BBB fans here maybe a BBB tourney might be possible next time? i’ll run it if need be and acquire converters for it.
ninja edit: btw, 360 stick is the BEST STICK FOR PC. EVER.
beats converter + custom stick for sure. NO INPUT DELAY at all.
i havent played that game in ages… ill play.
gief 360 in a3= 1frame…activate 360+k is 1 frame and you can connect 3 in one combo…so you can’t counter activate gief.
and has more range than a shoto low forward that is, if you kara it. but you can kara with any move so it’s all good. jab is best.
more a3!
ehsan let’s play tomorow.
to anyone who’s interested in high damage mvc2: I’m playing at gonq from 12 to 2pm and i’m done school at 5.tak you should come and rape all your asian brothers. I am getting bored of them.
Myles: come to gonq again.
I too have these mysterious credits.
CB we still down 2morrow?