Ottawa September Thread


ok check for me in c102 from 9-11

Don’t get OCV’d by Sean

Edit: Industry’s gonna be bumpin

i want in on the 3s ranbat. i’m a little rusty and haven’t played in a tourny in a while so i’m hoping to do better in this one :wink:


Give me a shout bout tonight. Peace

3s Ranbat? Scrub wants in!

GG Ryad.

Good shit Arun.

Edit: You guys thought you were good at tetris?
genius at work… truly gifted…

how was industry.

hacks lol

i never wanna play this game again lol


tetris tourney at the ranbat? bet it.

I’m down.

Sounds like a plan made of win and awesome.

damn japanese. you know he’s one of those guys who just sits at his computer all day and does that.

Jay and Dee went to Barrymore’s instead. I didn’t go.

You’re just jealous.

shut up! so what if i am ><

dont play the forest of illusion on drugs.

Barrymoore’s has a SICK club set up. If they do hip hop night it’s ooover

i want to play 3s also.
seeding please!