that’s the sports center, where the zampub is
if it’s coop related then it’s probably located on the second floor, in the corner right next to the zampub
that’s the sports center, where the zampub is
if it’s coop related then it’s probably located on the second floor, in the corner right next to the zampub
I just got back from the resident evil 3 extinction movie
resident evil/movie racism
[details=Spoiler]black guy is first important character to get bit by zombie
black girl is first important character to die[/details]
haha Dee. Since when do black ppl steal?
I kid I kid!
They don’t steal, they “borrow”.
Edit: Insomnia ftw.
you beat world 7?
Ahmed Ill bring my 360 friday to host your puzzle fighter tournment in a better and nicer way and Ill bring the spartan. Im already saying this, Ill be in the top 3 in the puzzle fighter tournment and 3s.
CB if you’re not busy on friday, after the tournment I can just bring the 360 to your place and we blaze and kill. Sounds good? We can even play online and I got 4 controllers.
yo, i just realized i can’t go to the tounment. so, we’ll play next week.
this is a great opportunity for us to see this game, and Halo 3…!? thanks Ehsan.
remember Ryad that work at 8. you can bring the stuff around 7, but its probably best if you wait till i start my shift. you want me to bring anything?
ps. did you pay your respect to Mike Haggar, Pat? you know he’s dead, right?
hey, whats that suppose to mean? …whatever. anyways Ryad, you want to “borrow” your game back?
Modification: Registration @ 7, Tournament @ 8
Sounds good, Ahmed. Registration at 7, Tournament starts at 8. It shouldnt take too long anyways. Whose shift is it before you? Can you bring your ps2… mine if iffy, but ill bring mine anyways just in case…
And yes, I’ve learned not expect back what I “lend”… right Ahmed? Dee?
Robleh on the other hand is an exception…
Oh and great movie btw, CB. You really have to see it…
Ehsan, do you have HF on your 360? 'cause I’m bringing my sticks to try something out on Myles’s laptop but HF madness would be awesome too.
Xerxes has all
who is working tonight?
by far the worst song i’ve heard in 2007
it’s not that bad, he could have come a lot harder. The third verse was garbage.
IMHO it’s bad because it’s jay. Jay not-trying > Wayne not trying, and thanks to Wayne, not trying seems to be the new “lyricism”.
And shitty Jay still > 99% of the bullshit I’ve heard on the radio or “mixtapes”. Shitty Jay single > all of the album “Curtis”, every generic “gangsta” single I heard with zero specifics and a whole bunch of empty threats…
But yea, it got worse the more i listened to it, and it’s not up to par with what I expect from Jay. Doesn’t have the replay value or the memorable lines and almost seems like a freestyle.
Yo Dee, I’m gonna be at the Cave at 2 til 230, if i’m not there, shout me at my mom’s 6132219558 or cell 6138990097.
Hellgate London is the best game released this year, that is all
fuck Jz, NAS.
cave today??? I and D could be purswaded to go so post now!!!
post now!!!
I can go from 6-8.
i will come for a bit.