Ottawa September Thread

new Tak vs. D First to 10. mvc2

game 1 d:msp vs. tak: scrub

o shit DEEs hungry!!!
tak game 1

msp vs scrub
tak wins, it’s getting closer, even tak admits. way better than most mtl cats

tak wins again…tak sais it’s free.

tak takes a hail storm for unfly…dee might win…but capcom is raping alllllll day.
dee gives up.

idc who’s on my team…ehsan, whoever.

what’s up with eastern promises??? I’m in school til 3pm

Ranbat starts at 6 and ends whenever the hell it ends, right?

random teams means no one is gonna be happy to have me on their teams :frowning:

also i’ll be hanging out by the a3 machine all night friday when not playing 3s.

has anyone seen xianwu/phil around lately?

DBZ Episode 234

Goten: Whats for breakfast?

Piccolo: You’re having the Fusion technique for breakfast!!! <-- I was crying after he said that.

god i love the Namek…

I finally got my animation program working. What do you think of my avatar?

So the funbat is this Friday at 6?

Edit: Steve you comin?


…was gonna play halo 3 tomorow, but that got canceled due to some bullshit.
I have a request for teams…whoever gets on my team must smoke mad herbs with me on that day. that is all. so teams might not be so random…can my partner be a random weed head?

Hehehe…random weed head

By noon I will have halo 3. Ill bring my 360 over sometime dave

just tell me when, so i’ll know when to by herb

Friday or the Weekends. Other days i work 3:30pm-11:30pm.

Cb, my friend and I are going to watch a late show (10:05 @ SouthKeys, or 9:40 Silvercity)… seeing as how most of the people aren’t making it, I would understand if you couldn’t as well, but if you still want to come, you are welcome

why is it that when i left 2 working usb adapters at the arcade i get only 1 back that works?..

something does not add up here…

Dee I need my shoes and my hoodie back. stop jacking my gear.


sry Ryad, can’t make it there. I just became to broke. next time. DON"T SPOIL IT.


now that i have your attention, im going to host the puzzle fighter tournament since we already have the tv in the arcade. i was thinking of having tetris, then i remembered Pat…forget it, dudes a bot.

Yo Shen! how did you beat the first cave in Thousand Arms? why is the beginning of the game soo incredibly hard? its like every battle is a boss battle. even the field is @%$#ing tough. ive never experienced so much game over since ninja gaiden.

so much for rigging the ballot.

Make up ur mind.Silvercity or Southkeys?


PS: Are you working tomorrow evening? I’m gonna be on campus late.


Does anyone know what building SCS stands for at Ottawa U? I have a coop info thing there tomorrow and have no clue what building it is >_<