Steve. that’s amazing.
I think I’ll stop rolling on the alpha 3 machine.
i’ll try be there for 630pm.
wow Preem was ill.
And my ears are fucked but it doesn’t matter.
My voice is gone too.
Steve as if you have his hat. That’s BEASTING.
RE: The Cave…
Increased security? Seriously all we need to do is ban the fucking keeids. I swear none of the people tagging the fucking bathroom are
- students
- grafitti artists.
They’re all just speds from Lowertown who dropped out of high school, swear to God.
Agreed Re: Bike Thievery, that shit is terrible, but there is no real solution to it other than Big Brothering the campus, and that in and of itself is somewhat troubling.
Thank you very much. Turns out I was doing it right, but it’s nice to know I haven’t been doing the whole assignment wrong. Thank you
the tourneys not today? shenanigans!
New Jigga single, out yesterday, Blue Magic.
Off the album “American Gangster”, which drops November.
Throw your roc up bitches!
Steve! You got his hat?? HOLY SHIT…I’m speechless.
That item might give you special DJ abilities. Power up!
i hate you Steve.
is CVS working?
i will be there around 6 or so Dave some alpha 3 today?
october brings us
brother ali
c ray walz
and little brother. sick
i could have sworn i hit the edit button… its probably the fact i cant hear…
Who has the movie “I am Sam”. Can I borrow it?
Fuck Chris Redfield.And fuck resident evil 5 and extinction.Dumbass movie.And I got highspeed again bitches.No more begging people to download anime for me.
Anything happening tonight?
Hugo Beasting: [media=youtube]gInih0yrLHI[/media]
Edit: Ahmed or Ryad can we change the tournment to this Saturday and not friday? Usually thats when we have the tournments/ranbats anyway.
I’m gonna be at the cave at 8:30.Bring your ps2.
Cave tonight with a PS2? I can bring CvS2 if anyone cares. (Nobody’s gonna care though.)
Bring a stick.We need sticks.
Would if I had one, sorry man. =\
Too bad.Thanks anyways bro.
Internet is now back…
RE: security => They’ve come into the office and have seen consoles in use. They really don’t give 2 shits about console use. Weed in the office I can see them caring about…
As for the 18+ thing, I got that beat by a few years. I also don’t fear campus po, never have, and never will. Hell, I’ll start blazing again simply so I can blow haze right in the campus po’s face, cuz I’m nasty like that.
Locked bathrooms: We should all start urinating on the doors until they open them 24/7 again. Worst move ever.
And when?
You know what? If it gets that negative stigma off the cave, then I can deal w/ attention.
Headin over CB.
Again: I am Sam anyone?!