Oro for a beginner

Ok, I’ve been mainly a Makoto player for about a year now, and I’m thinking of picking up Oro. Does anyone have any tips on what I should keep in mind while I’m playing as Oro?

Use the Yagyou-Dama super art so you can freely use EX moves, and it has some really good unblockable setups.

Play him in a bit like you would with Guile or Charlie, always trying to keep a charged Shyou or Oni Yamma ready. Oni Yamma’s a decent anti-air to stunt cross-ups, the EX version is solid on wake-up.

Use his double jump to confuse opponents and make them whiff anti-air moves. Crouching MP is solid, fast poke, and you should try to nail close MP(the uppercut) into Roundhouse Kicks for really good stun damage. Close MP can set-up A LOT of options for attack, good anti-air too. MKs a solid jump in. Toy with opponents using the EX Nichiirin Shyou’s, they home in, and are very effective against constant jumpers. Use forward+MP to step in under cross up attempts, use the standing Fierce as a great overhead on up close foot games

Use his F,D,DF+K move(Watari I think , can’t remember exactly) to play some decent corner mix up games. Force your opponent to block low, EX Watari kick(it’s safer than the non ex version, but the normals give you okay cross-ups). Really good move for corner traps, mix up with Standing Fierce, MKs, Close MPs, Yagyou Dama traps
Use the Yagyou Damas to push yourself toward opponents, and timed Fierce Yagyou Damas can force your opponent to stand up into blocking, leaving him open…

Using Oros qcf k move in the corner is just GG for him. I would infact recommend not using that move on anyone who knows that they are doing.

watch man of gold.

Okay, DON’T use SAII cause it requires a lot of practice, and DON’T use QCF+K EVER unless it’s comboed from cl. MP. SAIII is a lot better IMO for most of the cast in 3S, and you pretty much want to practice the chicken combo and ways to land the chicken combo. Don’t depend on his EX, it’s not that good. Screwing up the uppercut is GG for Oro. Be extremely careful with his fireballs because they come out slow and he takes forever to recover from them. Utilize his kara throw (RH+throw).

That’s all I can think of atm.

Actually, IIRC, QCF+K leaves him airborne right away (ala Urien’s headbutt), so it can escape throw setups. Against, say, a Chun without meter, it’s not the worst thing ever, but in most cases it really is too risky.

Tengu Stone is much, much easier to use and better for most matchups. Generally, look to activate it when your opponent is near the corner, as Oro cannot keep up pressure at midscreen.

Practice combos from 2-hit close MP. The standard chicken combo can’t be hit-confirmed and is only useful for punishing.

In addition to his standard ground stuff, neutral jump HK can be a difficult poke to deal with. Great air-to-air too.

Learn to use jab fireball as a poke, this is especially key vs. shotos & Elena. Chun can super through it on reaction, though.

Think of situations where you usually tend to throw, and go for the 2-hit s.MP instead sometimes.

Once you become more advanced, practice red parrying certain common strings (i.e. Yun LP-LK-MP). For most characters, this isn’t worth the risk, but it gives Oro chicken combos in quite a few spots.

don’t play with oro, pick gill

SAII is the best…SAIII is good for corner juggles…and use the Chicken Combos and the MK>HCB+P link for a some Stuns.

uhhhh sa3 is by far oros best super unless you’re fighting dudley or something

I agree with Henaki, you can use SAIII against pretty much anyone, but SAII is only good vs certain characters, namely people with easy unblockable setups and characters you can cross up in the corner.

Its character specific for picking supers like for hugo people should pick SAII . this is Tinshi.

Honestly I only use SA2 against Hugo and Dudley… just cause it’s OP. Tengu is an awesome super! Hahaha.

SA3 is the better superart. Although, like Henaki said, SA2 is usefull against Dudley.

I started playing with Oro recently and I don’t see whats wrong with SA1 ver. 2?! I’ve gotten pretty good with the timing and can pretty much nail anyone jumping in. It charges up fast, deals good damage, and is pretty easy to land. Why don’t people use it?

Also, when punishing, why do people do the chicken combo when it does less than the MK knee into HP throw? The throw combo also does better stun. Also, just to make sure I’m doing the chicken combo right its mp (one hit) into mk chicken jump thing, mp (one hit), mk chicken kick into mp upper cut.

I’ve been playing Q for a long time now and I love the guy, but Makoto just schools Q and I want to have options for when I meet a good Makoto player.


I used to use SA1 for the EX as well because of the invincibility, but the return on investment is the worst of all his supers. I’ll still use it here and there if I’ve been winning too much and I get bored, but otherwise stick to SA2 and SA3.

A full chicken combo (s.mp xx qcf+mk, s.mp xx qcf+mk, mp uppercut) does 43 damage to a standing opponent, (s.mk xx hcb+fp does 39). 4 points of damage may not be worth the difficulty of execution if you’re going to stun or finish your opponent, but the real advantage of using chicken combo to punish is in building meter, and perhaps setting up an unblockable or tengu combo. A full chicken combo builds almost a full bar of yagyou and about 2/3 of tengu.

For the record Makoto can give Oro a hard time too, but c.fp does a good job of swatting away her c.mk, and don’t bother trying to punish blocked Hayates with s.mp, stick to s.mk xx hcb+fp and you’ll dizzy her soon enough.

Yagyou is also very good against Necro.

I use Yagyou against SAI Necro but not SAIII, Electric Snake will go right under the super so you can’t cross up without a knockdown.

Yeah I’m starting to realize this hahaha.

I tend to get a fireball instead of the command throw if I try to punish with this combo after blocking, and wiffing a fireball at pointblank is bad news.