Order Status? Backordered?

Just a shout out to everyone else that Pre-ordered Blazblue (Gamestop.com), I ordered mine on 5/4/09 and when i checked the status of the order (since pre-orders go out tomorrow) it said that both items were backordered (LE Blazblue PS3 and Online exclusive Art Book).

Does anyone else have this? Or am I just being paranoid and need to hit the blunt again?

Either way, I’m stoked for Wednesday (or whenever it’s “supposed” to arrive). Hit me up on PSN for games (PSN: Xereos)

P.S. Might just hit the blunt for habit’s sake regardless.

SF4: C. Viper (4 Lyfe), Rose, Cammy
BlazBlue: Noel, Litchi, Rachel
KoF12: Joe, Iori, Mature

GS customer service told me that any orders for BB that had Backordered status as of JUST TODAY (That previously had the status of open or pending) had been shipped and that depending on your method of shipping you could expect your order to arrive at some point during this week.

I realize there is going to be a lot of anxiety from people who want the game and are unsure what GS is doing/if their orders are still good. Please wait a few days before freaking out (unless you overnight shipped and preordered) and your game isn’t here by Weds. Thanks