Option Selects?

Could anyone enlighten me on some of Sak’s OS’ please?

Or is cr.mk xx dp the only one I need?


cr.lk -> cr.lp + sweep is the classic os against constant back-dashing. You get full combo if cr.lk hits. There are other backdash OS you can learn to get a bigger punish, but this one is a good simple one.

far st.hp xx dp is also a good option now in Ultra. It is actually good for getting tons of damage to punish certain stuff.
st.lk xx dp is one I use often just outside of some people’s cr.mk ranges to try and tag them randomly as a counter-poke and get in. Basically use like gief’s st.lk->green hand.
st.lk xx ex tatsu is also along the same vein as the dp variant. This is a great way to counter poke and do a ton of damage.

I’m not against cr.mk xx fireball. it sometimes changes things up a bit. But its a “use it maybe once per opponent” kinda thing for me.

Theres probably more advanced ones that I don’t have off the top of my head (also I’m lazy with the learning the more specific tech).

I cover most of her Option Selects in this vid, skip to 3:54 if you just want to see OS’s:

Also a Rose specific video i covered:

Might do a few more character specific OS vids soon for some of the other chars that have amazing backdashes and such.

Thanks Shano!