i need help on practicing option selects with akuma
my xbl is freakytag 6 i need somebody to get online to help me practice option selects your help would be appreciated
i need help on practicing option selects with akuma
my xbl is freakytag 6 i need somebody to get online to help me practice option selects your help would be appreciated
You have to make your own, it all depends on the situation and i’m sure if you don’t know how to do an OS, a video will show you.
Basic OS: Try jumping and inputting a move right after the first move, if the move comes out as you land however doesn’t come out when the first move hits the opponent then you’ve done it correctly. e.g
Record the dummy on training mode doing : Jump heavy kick OS tatsu, so you would do a tatsu after you do the jumping heavy kick right before you land, if you hit the person the move won’t come out. Now set the dummy on playback and have fun, try back dashing etc. That’s the basics. You can do the same with all sorts i.e. knockdown, ultras etc.
Option select U1out of the demon flip always kills my backdashes on wakeup