Option select for back dash AND teleport

If I want to pressure my opponent with a meaty attack, I can OS sweep to catch the backdash. But what if the opponent teleports (bison, sim, seth etc.)? I think I’ve figured out an OS that catches both (sorry of this is already well-known). Here’s the input.


On hit/block: low short chained into low short chained into jab.
On whiff (if opponent bdash/tele): Low short followed by tatsu.

(The input needs to be done fast enough for the two shorts to chain on connect)

(The reason it works is that the input leniency gives you a tatsu even though you’re on down back when you press :lk:)

You could also use this after a safe empty jump against Akuma/E. Ryu. In that case the input is:


Do this with a slight delay after the empty jump to tech if they go for a throw. Other than that the options are as above.

Kind of a tricky on to execute but could be useful in a few matchups. Comments/thoughts/improvements welcome.

Be sure to test it against forward teleports.

I thought of this same thing a few months ago,but I wanted it for akuma specifcally.The OS works but it won’t catch his backdash or forward teleports. :frowning:

teleportation of bison is not very good