Oooooookay... Patch 1.3... what combos work for Ame still?

The infinite is gone, so that’s obviously a change to Ame’s paper attack; but according to the patch note on the blog here a bug with her Solar Flare attack (x5) and Power Slash combo has been fixed as well… is that the same thing, or something else entirely? Anyways I’m curious as to how much this affects Ame and what does/doesn’t still work for her. Unfortunately I only used the Chris G. combo for Ame, so I never learned the others so well… anyone willing to test them and report if there is no change, increased difficulty, or impossibility to these combos now?

Umm… you do know that the paper is called Power Slash. Right?

Yeah, I was just too lazy to correct the words “paper attack” at the start of my post since I figured you guys would know they’re the same thing.

I finally got the patch to download. The combo I was practicing last night doesn’t work, just normal st.M st.H f+Hx5, with Tron flame asisst on the 4th f+H, I used to be able to land another H and do f+H x5 again before a launcher, but now the character recovers before I can land the H. If I do Tron assist sooner, the combo actually drops mid f+H string.

Oh well, I didn’t use that combo very often anyway. Still if you have an assist that hits many times and keeps the opponent on the ground, don’t be surprised if f+H drops combo now. I’m gonna try with some assists I don’t normally use just to see what happens.

I haven’t noticed much of a change. I never use power slash in any of my BnB’s. I use the hell out of it when I play though, just not in combos. All my other combos worked.

Hmm… I tried the same thing with Iron Man UniBeam assist. It works if you time the f+H perfectly after the assist, but if you delay even a little bit in between attacks, it drops. So hit stun deterioration definitely kicks in. This is happening around 19-20 hits.

Even the tightest of stuff I used to do with Power Slash in Glaive is still valid, so I don’t think that changed at all, it was just a nerf to Disc :f::h:.

judging by whats been said here hitstun scaling now applies to F+H whereas iirc F+H couldnt be dropped before barring user error.


its really bad if you just want to call your assist then HHHH super…, they just recover, i’ve now been doing weapon change for midscreen combos into super.
HHHH multi-hit assist HHHH S HHH S weapon change into super works in the corner still… I really miss killing zero with one touch…

a buddy and i are having a hard time doing disc M, H, >Hx5 glave M, S

did something change to make this harder? or are we just scrubin it up?

It should work midscreen too. Just try and hit the S on the way down, when you land switch and do a short dash up to d.H xx qcf+S > super

should get like 1 or two hits from the qcf+S and combo

The link is a bit tighter after :f:+:h: because it causes hitstun decay now. It’s not too bad though, still very doable.