I’m just wondering if I’m the only person out there that’s plays kI that believes that there should be a penalty for leaving a ranked match before its over? There’s no penalties for ranked matches except for when you lose.
I feel that should be a feature in every fighting game.
Honestly. Like to me personally KI is a great game but to make it better online, that is a main mechanic
yeah I’ve had a bunch of people obviously rage quit on me which is frustrating. Half life left on the 2nd health bar while I’m at close to full health - suddenly they just stop moving… for a few seconds and then disconnect. Some people care about their rank waaaayy too much.
KOFXIII Steam recently implemented a feature that bans people from the online if they alt+F4 before the match is over(after a certain amount of times, I think). I can’t recall any other fighter doing something about the problem, but I want to say SG on PC does something with the matchmaking that matches quitters with other quitters exclusively. I don’t know if that feature was just talk, or if it was actually implemented.
The only argument I’ve ever heard against such a thing is from people with unstable connections. But to that I say, get a better connection or play offline, because catering to such people ruins it for everyone else.
Now, I understand that sometimes the power or internet goes off during a match, or some other unforeseeable event occurs, but there could easily be a buffer for situations just like that. You quit 3 matches in one day, you are banned for a day or longer, ect…
Rage quitters have a huge impact on fighters. Not so much in FPS or other games that have many people in a server, but in 1v1 they disrupt the entire match. At the very least, the person quitting should get a loss and the person who didn’t quit should get a win. I don’t know if KI does anything like that though.
I tell you, I’m getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fucking tired of people ragequitting in this game. I’ve just had it happen to me 5 times in a row. FFS
Best thing to do is just report people who ragequit on you. Supposedly Microsoft has a system in place where people with poor reputation are purposely matched against each other.
I don’t even know how to find recent players, let alone report them. But I would love to…
Best way is to pop open your friends list and there’s “Search Player” option, long as you don’t forget their tag…you can only file it as cheating though, I just put “Player cheating ranked mode by quitting to avoid getting ranked losses” on the first 5 or 6 ragequitters, now I don’t even bother. People ragequitting exhibition mode too, wish this game had Endless battle, players might be less inclined to quit if they have an audience watching. Dumb they didn’t have it ready in the first place, game needs it
The game os some what broken with the way you can just mash your face on the pad and get anything you want. Plus I just havd three more ppl rage quit again and its get really annoying. I love the game but the bs in the game is just way to over rated
You can do that in half the recent fighting game titles…
I just feel as though the game gives a little to much away and its ridiculous at time
But you also cant punish them also for throwing there face into the pad and playing it like a xylophone

The game os some what broken with the way you can just mash your face on the pad and get anything you want. Plus I just havd three more ppl rage quit again and its get really annoying. I love the game but the bs in the game is just way to over rated
I’m not even great at this game but I’m 100% confident that if you mash your face on the controller I will beat you 10/10 times. If you are losing to people “mashing their face on the pad” then you aren’t as good as you think you are at this game.
I’m not gonna lie, I cross up way more than I should. And I play as Sabrewulf… People get opened up too easily in this game. Against me atleast. I’m having a blast though. It was only hard in the beginning, but once you have a basic on the combos down it’s gold. As for the rage quitters again, I’ve been playing cautiously. Not doing as many ultras. Playing weak throughout when I think they will quit out. Even shouting words of encouragement through the kinect. Basically using a physical mind game so they wont quit out or trick them into staying. It’s sad really. But it’s been working.
I know I’m not great plus I’m also switching from stick to pad and im a street fighter player. I just have a problem with the pad because I was never a pad player. But I do lose to a lot of mashing and its annoying

I know I’m not great plus I’m also switching from stick to pad and im a street fighter player. I just have a problem with the pad because I was never a pad player. But I do lose to a lot of mashing and its annoying
Im i pad player and the X1 pad is both difficult to use and painful my execution is only good when im at peace and in a state nearing deep meditation don’t feel bad about it. About the whole loosing to mashing thing, use more counter breakers.