Oni Q&A Thread: Ask simple questions here!

old outdated information, if you look at his blog http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://wao.blog.eonet.jp/default/%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D732&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&u=http://wao.blog.eonet.jp/default/2014/05/4ver101-7cae.html&usg=ALkJrhgyd_HzMO0fShwxnfc2RtfwvIhz1A hes giving up oni, says he wonders why they balanced him like that and is trying to pick up a second character. He thinks playing oni is underpowered and is pointless if you want to be competitive. And i thought you said you didn’t care what top level players think of characters?

also have you found any new ways of playing oni to make him more competitive? found anything to develop him more as a character? im dying to know.

you dont know how mad i was when sanford threw out that hk slash. on mago of all people who picked up oni just to learn his shenanigans. basically threw the match away he was up, and its not like the hk slash would’ve killed fei either. like i said before just chicken block the slashes and youll never get hit by that crap again. this also illustrates why the hurtbox reduction on his hk slash didnt even matter, and that being -9 instead of -10 on block is such a meaningful change(not).

Sanford had to choose his poison, as bad as the fei oni matchup is, the sagat fei matchup is worse. Which makes bonchan all the more godlike for actually sticking to his guns and making it to grand finals.


That is before the console nerfs. Wao has since dropped the character (hasn’t played him for the last month), and said after the console changelist was revealed “Ultra Oni has no future”.

read the 2nd half of page 8 of this thread. look for my posts.

I’d like to play Oni, have questions.

  1. Based on what I’ve done in training mode, his basic gameplan seems to be confirming into LK demon slash and then going for SRK/throw/stomp mixups if blocked. Is this correct?

  2. I’m not the greatest at hit-confirming, would I lose much by just doing, for example, st. mp into demon slash as opposed to cr. short, cr. jab, TC xx demon slash?

Thanks in advance.

  1. yes at the beginner level but against characters that have a dp that blows up stomp/options that blow it up(ken sagat mp dp, guile, chun, vega air throw) youll find yourself throwing or crouch teching with os for their back dash more, which will eventually lead to them reversal dping you which you can bait for damage.

after you become familiar with matchups and can work your way in/pressure to the corner/block and punish/tick kara throw safely you will find that you wont depend on this mixup as much. this however takes knowledge of your own normals, and the opponents, you will learn this in time. then the main skill you will need is varying up your block strings and kara throw attempts+footys.

  1. damage is damage. of course it is always better to confirm with less hits, a 350 2 bar damage combo turns into a 300 ish sometimes 290 combo if you add extra hits to it. but when your starting out and just learning to land hits against characters that doesnt matter. low checking ppl on their wake requires extra light hits cr.lk, cr. jab, b+mp for example. against smaller characters(cammy yun yang) you wont be able to add the extra hits youll be able to fit in like 1 extra jab into your string before you start whiffing. some punishes require you start from crouch jab/stand lk/stand jab due to the distances on block or frame data, so your not gonna be able to start from back mp all the time anyway. also to get full punishes your gonna have to force stand anyway, so working in a cr hp into light slash or special cancelling into mk tatsu(first hit the knee) fadcing also comes into play adding more hits youll need to do.

its only when you start playing better ppl and the opportunities to touch the other char become fewer does optimizing damage matter. the 2 bars you need to do an fadc combo wont come around as much per match. the trick is to mentally have points in your bnb block strings where you have set points to see if you hit or not., the normal before the special you plan to fadc is where i check for example.

when your playing against mashers your gonna want to do chains in blockstrings, 2-4 light normals and then your medium button, this should push you out far enough to where the mashed uppercut should wiff(cr jab into b+mp, st mp, st mk are not true strings so they can be mashed).

lastly if the connections is bad/your not feeling good execution wise your gonna have to do the watered down version of combos anyway, adding jabs to them to turn the 1 frame links into 2-3 framers. might as well practice them now.

what MU’s would you guys say that Oni loses?

what feels like 7-3 chun, blanka, honda, ibuki, bison, viper, akuma.
what feels like 6-4 cammy, bison, guile, rose, dalsim, sagat, ken, balrog, adon, evil ryu, yang, gen, dudley, fei, dee jay, abel, mak, seth, vega.
what feels pretty even-zang, hakan, t hawk, ryu, cody, sak, guy, gouken.

cant comment on the rest because i feel like i lack the matchup knowledge/never played any legit online players.

Dude, thanks VERY much! Beautiful write-up, going to use it when I play next time. Cheers.

This may have been answered elsewhere on the forums but it’s gonna take me a while to fish through the entire forum to find the answer. I landed FA Level 2 on a dude earlier today and got a crumple, proceeded to do cr.mp > TC2 > H.Tatsu but my second hit of TC2 whiffed? I know it misses on crouching opponents or something like that, but I thought off of a crumple your opponent auto-stands?

is there a reason that sekisai is not a overhead attack…doesnt make sense to me that it isnt.

What character was it? TC2 whiffs at a certain range against certain characters even if they’re standing.

Also, does anyone know of an ONI Kara Shoryuken? I want to increase my shoryu range.

Oni’s input overlay prevents this from being possible, he can’t Kara SRK because a Stomp will come out every time. Ken can do it because he doesn’t have a F,D,DF with Kicks special.

Will b mp into b mp/ b mp b mp st mp fish for throw os counterhits?

So then is it possible to kara stomp? i’ve seen your video on a kara fireball (which is effing impressive btw) been trying to learn that as well.

good news though from my previous posts to everyone, got down my kara demon and kara throw :smiley:

Yep. I also like cr.MP > cr.LP > st.MP, or cr.MP > TC1

Pretty sure LK and HK Stomps would just read as MK Stomp due to input overlay. I think you could Kara MK Stomp, but it wouldn’t be very useful.

Damn. i want extra range wherever i can get it, but now that i think about it yeah it may not be as useful as i imagined.

How do I deal with Viper? It feels like a mixup or be killed battle fighting her. The burnkick crossup keeps getting me every time.

What is oni s frame data after slash fadc? On hit and block?

After minor testing, -1 on block and +5 on hit?

That seems very unlikely given that the move has a 3 frame difference between hitstun and blockstun - why would canceling it into a dash make it turn into a 6 frame difference? I definitely have a hard time believing it’s minus on block, you can press buttons pretty freely afterword.

I’m pretty sure it’s +6/+3.