Omega red stuff

didn’t see that post. oh well.

does anyone have the semi-infinite down in the corner? what’s the timing exactly? after three repeats i can’t seem to do it anymore.:bluu:

i think it’s coil throw into the corner lp, coil again. pretty easy but you have to be facing away from the corner to conenct it.

just thought that I’d put up a omega red combo.(this is if your’re on the left side, works either side anyway)

Using ruby hearts AA : AA,, (Assist hits), hk omega strike ( you should end up right next to them in the air but behind them), cancel omega strike with down and kick, the carbanadium smasher.
this combo is evil. you’ll have to do it pretty fast but not that fast.
if you do it too slow, the opponent will get released from ruby’s AA. you can also substitute the diagonal omega strike with qcf+2k, then cancel with d+k, carbanadium smasher. I personally prefer the diagonal omega strike with hk. personally because it’s an evil cross-up. If they just so happen to get out of ruby’s AA then you could still connect the carbanadium smasher because they will probably still be blocking the wrong way.

Just use an easy Carb smasher combo like c.lp, + Doom AA, sj. lp, Coil throw down, carb smasher. Easy and reliable…

who do u guys team up omega with? since he builds meter pretty fast, it seems a power hogger like strider or sentinel would be ideal.anyway my team is omega, cable, doom. lates

whats the 1 person i shouldn’t use omega red against?

what are the best omega red teams??

Actually, there IS one combo you can pull off with Carbonadium Smash without an Assist, but it’s VERY hard to pull off.
With Omega Red’s back to a corner, jump and hit them with a J. Fierce, then S.LP, S.LP, S.J. LP, S.J. LK, S.J. LP, Energy Drain.
Now, here’s the tricky part.
As soon as you catch the opponent with Energy Drain, toss them behind you into the corner, and IMMEDIATELY cancel into the Carbonadium Smash. I got this probably only ONCE before, and it did about 22 hits.

EDIT: Whoops. I had no idea DuckStrong already posted up that combo. Mine’s a little different, but still. Sorry, DuckStrong.

I think the best OR teas are…


All follows the Battery/User/Assist principle an favors omegared because you can always combo into your assist.

O.R. have problems facing the go tiers but pretty much rules over the middle and lower ones. :tup:

imo its OR/Doom or dont play

well said magnifico. i agree. r u a hardcore or casual omega player?

Hehehe… my main team is Sakura/Omega/Jin. And I play in a tough university arcade.

Omega’s cable tags Sent waaaay too much. Yes, Sent has super armor. But that’s only when he’s standing or walking. Why? I guess Sent is always doing something other than standing around.

On sent…

Normal air combo-> toss horizontally away -> send lk cable as you fall and sent is probabaly going to be doing something to get hit by it. Probably that mouth beam or something…

What’s also fun is getting past capcom’s assist with someone that jumps before the corridor comes out. Let it stop you a few times. Then air grab them as they jump.

how is the omega red infinite done??

i saw one combo video ( i think one of the meisekyoui series) where omega red did some kind of infinite. it looked like it was jumping lp, jumping lp, jumping hp,repeat. it looked like it was at normal jumping height.

Clockwork, do you know the video i’m talkin about, and do you know if that infinite can be done without suki cancelling or any other glitches? Thanks

It’s just jump jab,strong,Fierce in the corner.

The timing is pretty strict, but it’s still worth learning imo. With just 6 reps you get them pretty much dizzy.

That’s sick.

I play Omega at Family. such a good battery.
Omega/Doom doesn’t do it for me, the assist is too slow and random for my omega. I’ll take sent drones or storms projectile typhoons.

do they have to be at the same height as they have to be in ironman’s infinite? also do you know any set ups with assists for omega’s infinite? thanks

casually, red/tron does wonders for me with constant crossing. real good battery with short resets and ground knockdowns. [abuse the FK, qcf+lk]

to my knowledge the infinite can only be done in the corner. the only good setup that i know is:facing corner launch,air dash right away (u should be behind him)sj.lp, horizontal coil grab,throw towards wall sj. lp,land,infinite. my apologies if that doesn’t make sense.hopefully u understand.

a, kid with the big hair? u say u play at family fun, right? if so i’ll show u what omega/doom can really do.yet to see anyone top my omega. hopefully you give me a run 4 my moneyz.
i use omega,cable,doom by the way.