Omega Akuma

Figure we can start a separate thread for Omega Akuma findings now that he is out.

What is that red ground slamming move after the dp 34 seconds in? It looks like a cancel but I can’t figure out how to do it.

It’s just Ex DP. Found more combos, you can do light dp fadc lp red fireball to ex dp

lp Dp fadc tk ex fireball combos

I broke the game

there are some weird stuff with Omega Gouki… :smiley:
Almost every air tatsu does not connect anymore on grounded opponent (except for stand jump tatsu…)
Far HP not cancellable anymore except with that new “double HP”.
No more ex air hado from normal demon flip.
And that new teleport is… ahaha…
And the hado buff hasn’t been imported from the new ultra patch.

Except that… it’s pretty fun… for drunk night with friends.
Super do a lots of damage ! And the new ex tatsu is damn fun.

Nice find ClxJames. Messed around with it

So we can tatsu sweep everyone in omega ?

And our DP aren’t 3 frames anymore. We can’t cancel cr.medium/light with DP or something.
U2 straight cancel off normals without TP…
This mode is fubar.

So omega mode, let’s talk changes!
First off, no forward dp shortcuts and Akuma has a faster forward dash. There are some damage/stun changes to his old moveset. Level 1 focus knocks down aswell.

Now normals.
all lights can be chained on whiff
Has an E.Ryu
far standing mp is special cancelable
fierce has similar forward mometum like also if you follow it with fierce again it becomes a target combo
far RH is now a target combo, perfromed by hitting rh twice. never combos after the second hit!
Forward throw, sweep, demon flip grab and palm are no longer hard knockdowns!

This is where it gets weird, Akumas revamped specials
Ex fireball no longer knocks down
lk tatsu pops up higher, letting you tatsu sweep everyone.
Ryu-esque mk and hk tatsu
ex tatsu has a new animation and juggles from midscreen
no x-up tatsu
no regular backwards jump air fireballs!
regular dps cannot be fadc’d at all on block except or ex, that can be fadc’d at anytime
ex shoryuken has a new animation and deals incredible damage
no ex air fireball for demonflip
demon palm seems to have a much bigger hitbox and makes a different sound when it hits. May denote a special property.
ex demonflp is competely changed. punch follow up is two hit fireball, sweep does three hits, kick is unchanged, grab has a new more damaging animation.
teleports have a massive decrease in travel and duration
hittig lp+lk after teleport does a grab that deals 190

Can be combo’d into from ANY hit. lights, mediums, or fierces, fireballs, 1st, 2nd, 3rd hit of dp and after any tatsu. Trade off is its no longer a grab and only combos on hit.

cant tell whats different

has much faster startup.

“far RH is now a target combo, perfromed by hitting rh twice. never combos after the second hit!”

typo here for cp mp, no?

*me : Delete this non sens, and learn to select Omega in training select screen…

So in Omega, far HK works but why bother when cl.MK reach from half screen away in Omega…
KKK TP cancelable with a special Grab (just lk+lp) that can’t be teched (try yourself just in case) but is fully grabable while TPing (before active).

Instant air PPP hado is SICK.

Against Akuma in training would never combo after rh target combo. The reeling animation would make it whiff, or hit late and not combo.

that’s absolutely true, the hit animation of the new RH is like the one from a high jump attack, making whiff easy.

S.hp xx EX shaku, EX dp is ridiculous.

I forgot to add Akuma has a brand new three hit ex air fireball similar to his zanku super from 3s . Tons of startup, but yields a lot hit advantage and damage.

lp dp x fadc x raging demon(super). i usualy hit it in the corner when they’re head high.

also works with ex tatsu, which does not have to be in the corner.

but you’ll never build a meter bar between your ex tatsu and the ragin that need the 4th bar :slight_smile:

So Omega DP are 4 frames now ? I can tatsu FADC but can’t get a DP there.

jf.HK, st.HP, FP SRK x Demon = 616 damage (cancel SRK on 3rd hit)