Re: old school ticking… If I wasn’t old school back when I started playing in 1992, does that make me new school? The online community at the time was, and I recall that some locations were definitely anti-tick.
When I played CE/HF in the arcades at UIUC, I remember thinking ticking was cheap. Many of guys, such as Ben (Hayek), Quinn (JQR), Seth (yes, that Seth), Eu-Ming, and Big Korean Guy (JBL) were notable for throwing and ticking. Ben and Quinn were particularly ruthless and mouthy, and Big Korean Guy would just laugh at you.
If I wanted to enjoy playing against those guys, I had to learn to compete. I knew I had to do three things:
Learn to counter-throw/reverse
Avoid the situation
Tick throw occassionally
I got better because I made them respect my ability to counter/reverse and avoid the situation. I didn’t get better because I learned how to tick, but it was nice to use it on them now and then.
I actually got hatemail before months ago from stress factor which is why he never actually made it on to my friends list. Who is d-white? Is that the full tag? Well I didn’t want to name names, but I suppose that’s how it goes.
Djreign is solid with blanka/claw, but now he’s just a bad sport if you tick him. You can throw him and he’s fine, assuming you don’t put him into blockstun right before you do it.
Oh I’ve resigned myself back to what I originally thought, that if I want to throw you then you have to stop me with your character not words. Especially after reign told me not to change my style, and then he gives me the round after 1 tick. That shit pissed me off.
That would piss me off too. Especially because of the history you have with the player.
He really threw me off too. When I first encountered DJReign, I saw him as nothing more than a really skilled player, and good with some crazy Blanka mix-ups, which is sort of a rarity. What we have with DJReign, is actually a skilled player (maybe not superb, but definitely skilled), and when it got to him actually talking (in my case, in the chatroom), it really threw me off that he thought like a scrub.
Actually it wasn’t d-white, I’m sorry. It was d-money I think. I can’t remember. D-white is actually a really cool guy and doesn’t play HDR; I just got mixed up. And d-money or w/e is just part of the PSN name. He was just some other player that was complaining about me using throws as part of my game against his Ryu in one of Joesho’s PSN tournies. He was talking about how he tests games for Capcom or something. So after I played them, I would say “GGs soandso” in the chat room. Him and Stress kind of ganged up on me after I won that little tournament; griping about my cheap vega. Up to that point, the chatroom was mostly SRK, and there was never any scrub-talk, for weeks prior to that.
Anyway, it’s just too bad that I’ve found these highly vocal scrubs and now have enemies on PSN, outside of plain old rage quitters. I kind of enjoyed being in that chatroom every time I play HDR, and being able to say “GGs” to Hak, T3R, DJD, and whoever else was in there, but someone invited them and it’s ruined that room.
They should rename another one “The mystical order of whiners”. Hak reversals my ticks just fine, I think Hado69 does too, if I can get close to their ryus. Even Hak was whining about them though.