Old School vs. New School

It’s a mindset thing. This board is mostly used by competitive players, and in competitive play this sort of issue isn’t a matter of opinion. If an effective mechanic exists in the game, and isn’t banned from tournament play, then it’s going to be used. Anyone arguing that it should not have been used is usually just complaining about how they lost. Tick throwing is one of the things that people often complain about, so the community is used to responding pretty harshly to sore losers complaining because other players don’t play by their made-up rules.

I realize that may not be what is happening here, but your first post kind of sounded like you were catching some flack from a bunch of whiners. I believe the hostile commentary was an attempt to inspire you to break away from a group that posters thought would be a bad influence on a novice gamer.

people who complain, they’ll only get so far and max out at a certain level. assuming you adhere to that mentality, in the end you only harm your own game because when it comes time to fight people where “anything goes” - like in a tournament, you won’t be prepared. you can notice the difference almost instantly when you play vs people who tick throw and abuse strong tactics, vs those who play with restrictions. the 1’s with restrictions are usually easier to deal with, and they usually use “cheap” somewhere in conversation more often.

It comes down to if you choose to play competitively at the world level or you just want to play “for fun”. The guys who make up their own rules can play Super Turbo Plus all they want, I don’t care, as long as they are up front about the fact that they are inferior players when it comes to regular ST and don’t go around making proclamations that “real” players don’t play one way or another.

One reason ticks are rarely used at high level is because they don’t work exceptionally well and you take a lot of risks getting in close. Some characters like Ken have a more dangerous throw trap though because they have more options. But most aren’t incredibly difficult to reverse or escape.

As proof, just consider Tokido. He unquestionably utilizes the most effective moves in every game to win. His wall dives are certainly maddening. But even he avoids tick throwing because he knows it’s not a top tactic.

Just look at the new school you’re talking about. Most of them have predominantly been playing online or against other middling competition, where tick throws are a lot more effective because players have just slightly less time to react. When you tick in real life against a good player, he has a good shot of countering what you’ll do.

Personally, I actually like playing tick throwers (except in laggy matches online) because that inspires me to play with more determination than usual.

Couldn’t agree more. :wgrin:

The best advice that I ever got for how to get better with Honda was (tick) throw more. And that came from someone I HIGHLY respect.

What’s this about schools? Just play whichever way maximizes chances of the little gold star showing up by your name. Don’t put even a little bit of thought as to whether you’re labeled “old” or “new” school. Put that effort toward making sure you fall under the label of “winner.”

That’s what I’ve tried to point out though. These guys know how to defend against it extremely well, and their “footsie” game is top notch.

I can stand to learn alot from them.

Furthermore, when we are playing online they don’t like tick throws no, but they understand that they may need to use them if they were playing in a tourney.

You guys act like casual games are serious business lol.

Points well taken. Let me reiterate one last time, these guys are no slouches. They just don’t like tick throws.

I say you make them prove it. If they really knew how to defend against it extremely well I have a hard time believing they would have such a problem with it.

They have proved it by being better than me. Trust me, I have a really hard time winning against them. Even if I do use tick throws.

I love your last quote. Either win or lose. Nothing else matters. LOL

You have to do what you have to do to win. As sweet JV said, the opponent won’t hesitate to use what is at disposal, so one should do what they can to win. It is “Street Fighter” not “Street Sporter”. The only rule is come out alive and winning.

Some players take the wrong reaction when losing to tick throws. They get angry and call it cheap. This is playing only to some imagined sense of chivalry and “honor”. Loser’s excuses I say.

I say: if I fell for the tick throw, I was stupid to not see it and counter accordingly.

As a Vega player, I’ve fallen for ticks and may have lost matches as “William209” but I came out as a better fighter due to that.

I agree wholeheartedly. In an atmosphere where the rule is created and universally applied to all players in the room, it is fine and agreed upon, but outside of that group, it depends.

Are you going just casual and fun? Then you can be considerate of others “feelings” and not go for tick throws for the sake of so-called “honor”

If you’re competitive, you really can’t rule out any strategy necessary to win. To do so is to handicap yourself when the opponent is not handicapped, which is plainly stupid.

any question about sf, do as the japanese do. there’s a lot more of them playing the game and they’ve most likely had the game longer, giving them a deeper understanding of the game.

in other words, tick-throwing IS an option AND akuma is NOT…:wink:

thank you, that is all.

Who are these older players you know that complain about tick throwing?

Idk any OGs that complain about shit

Lately they have now started whining a bit too much. They are good players, but now they are just being bitches.

One of them now will stop playing for the rest of the round if I tick him once. Just to get his blanka on the other side of the screen, he’ll just stop, and then start playing when the next round starts.

The others just cry cheap.

One guy said that someone who doesn’t throw is a scrub, and one of “them” responded with “so you have to throw to be good?”. The point wasn’t that throwers were good, but rather those who don’t are not using what they are allowed to use. He said play to win, they apparently play to win as long as one doesn’t actually grab the opponent.

I guess that means in their eyes, “i’m tackling in touch football”, when everyone else has clearly noticed we are playing full contact.

honestly, don’t play them anymore. throwing is a large part of the game and since you can both reversal AND tech out of it, you’re not getting better by playing these people. it isn’t like tackling in a game of touch football, it’s more like “you can’t run the football because we have a really small defensive line. you can only throw over the middle against our tall athletic safeties and corners.”

when you’re playing guys who don’t tick-throw by rule of thumb, you’ll have problems with people who do when you run into them. this isn’t an old school vs new school mentality. it’s always been an argument in the game as long as i can remember. they would have taken it out of the game long ago if it wasn’t a viable strategic option.

I meant we are playing football but they think we are playing touch football, so if I tackle them that’s going too far and its unnecessary in their eyes.

Lol, though I think I might start ticking them alot now just to piss them off. I should be able to play the game I want, and if they don’t like that strategy, then they should keep me from using it.

BTW, the one who stops playing after one tick, he was one of the ones who told me not to change the way I play.

I used to tick throw almost all of the time (it was my main source of damage), but when I moved to Japan I found that ticking almost never worked. I’d take a lot of damage getting in, and then not even make it back from throwing because I’d get DP’d most of the time. I actually found that faking a tick and then punishing was the most reliable way to get damage in :slight_smile:

I do what it takes to win, but I agree with Ganelon that it’s simply not as effective as other options when the competition is good. Of course this is matchup dependent, there are some matchups (boxer vs claw, blanka vs guile) where tick throwing is a very important part of the match.

I love them. I really wish they were powerful in SF4. Reduce the damage and tick window if you must, but the fact that they are there and a threat makes the matches much more exciting.

I know exactly who you’re referring to Coth (STRESS_FACTOR, d-white and djreign#). As you can see, they are scrubs, in their own stinking hovel, of scrubdom.

When all is said and done, it’s who wins, and who doesn’t whine, that matters. It’s too bad they slithered their way into your friend’s list and infected your mind.

Check out Domination 101, and it will help you break the curse of feeble scrubby thoughts: