Old People + Technology = wtf

Anybody have any old people in their house that are technology challenged??

I understand people take computer classes and stuff. But these classes are borderline useless compared to what could be learned to get better with computers and whatnot.

Anybody else have an old person in their life that just annoys you about this? haha

Threads + Nick T. = wtf

Perhaps it would be easier to ask if we knew any old people who aren’t technologically challenged.

Oh Nick T, you so crazy.

You are going to be old soon. Respect.

why does america shit on its elderly

its so shameful

i disapprove of this thread

Anybody have any posters on their forum that are intellectually challenged??

I understand people make threads and stuff. But these threads are borderline useless compared to what could be posted to get better intellectual posts and whatnot.

Anybody else have a poster in their forum that just annoys you about this? haha

I thought this thread was about old people harnessing the power of technology to enact revenge

i work electronics at a walmart. The questions i hear are horrible. I won’t last long, as I’ve honestly pointed out customers stupidity on a regular basis. I want to get a dunce cap. Shit like “how do I use my mouse on my tv?” or “my 9 button on my phone doesn’t work, do you sell phone buttons”

you also get a fuckton of old coffindodgers who think “electronics” means “electrical” and get mad when you dont have lightbulbs and toasters in around the xbox’s and computers.

My mom is also like this. Her autocomplete wasn’t coming up with her amazon login (so she started typing her name, only to not see it finish for her), and she thought they deleted her and FREAKED the fuck out. She also owns 2 laptops, an iphone, ipod touch, ipad, desktop, FOUR hdtv’s, wii, ps3, and more fucking games than I own.

riddle me that batman

i bet old people know how to do all sorts of shit we never bothered to learn, different technology

Yeah…but they forgot it all. So that’s a moot point.

i fear for when we invent shit like teleporters or personal shuttlecraft. 40% of all elderly will be wiped out when either tech gets invented
