Old/New Characters Hit Box Diagrams + Drag N Drop Theory Fighter

If you check out papasi’s hitbox site, click N.Ryu, and scroll down to his Shoryuken, you’ll see that there are two sets of hitbox data. Note that the start-up for all three is the same as far as the frame data and timing are concerned.

The first, where he is vulnerable only at his head on the way up, represents his jab version (which allows the ability to pass through fireballs, among other things).

The strong and fierce versions have whole body vulnerability on the way up, however, as displayed by the second set of hitboxes.

Thx I noticed the diff now

idk but when I try to AA with fierce dp it seems more delayed than jab version, during combos it seems the same,u know, when trying to deep shoryuken n somehow its too delayed they safe jumped n blocked which with jab version wouldnt happened

Also is Ryu’s fire hadoukens start up 12 or 11 frames? ST wiki has it as 11 n hitboxes page has it as 12, which one is correct?

All the data in the wiki is correct. People thought that hadouken had 12 frames startup because they calculated it by the sprites, but the hadouken hitbox actually appears 1 frame before the projectile graphic. The same happens with the other projectiles.

If hp had more startup then it would pass through hados.

-trolls suck-

It can actually get past some fast projectiles, but the timing is even more strict then punishing faster Max Outs with Tatsus. There is just no point in trying, ever, I suppose, unless you can hit some extended limb.


Zangief’s Lariat frame data is incorrect, both of them have 1 frame start up but u posted it as being active since the beggining for 7 frames, which is not the case, I told u to correct it long ago n u didnt. ST wiki has the correct data btw.


guys, if you are looking for the hitbox website and safe jump guide, they are now permanently relocated to http://www.strevival.com/hitbox/

Zangief’s lariat frame data is still wrong