Ok, Who'S The Real Dumb One Here?

The two things were unrelated? I wish I could say the same for your parents. The fact that you can say both the dumb things you’ve said in the same breath and not realize how stupid it is makes me realize I’m wasting my time. You’ve been saying that the whole time and you’ve been wrong from the beginning. Try that shit in a court. “BUT I ASKED HIM TO PAY FOR HALF AND HE SAID NO! I WANT TO SUE YOUR HONOR!” Do you go to tournaments? You’re one of the few people on this site that I’d be willing to pay just to tell them they’re stupid in person.

Was that sarcasm? I can’t really tell. I negged you because everyone in this thread agrees on at least 1 thing: the fact that you made this thread was a dumb bitch move.

For someone who is 28 years old you come off as being really childish. The man was making a point and you attack his character…right.

Says the dude who left his brother over 5 dollars. Bitch please. He wasn’t even making a point. he was spewing nonsense repeatedly and justifying it by saying it’s not related because it destroys his weak argument.

if i’m wasting your time, then stop posting :rolleyes: It’s very obvious you’re enjoying attempts to say i’m wrong.

just replace the word court with SRK and you’ve got my reason for saying Javid is dumb. He shouldn’t have even brought it up. In principle Javid was right in the situation for splitting the free ticket, thus he brother is also retarded.

it’s funny how you agree with the dumb things i say.

btw, send me some $$$ and you can say whatever you want to my face.

Except I didn’t. I called you out on the dumb shit and agreed with th 2% left over. Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day. Well, unless it’s digital.

so you agreed with me…except you didn’t.

If you bothered to read my posts, you’d know that the money wasn’t an issue here. It’s the principal here that matters.

More often than not, decent people offer to give when they get.

get a better job suckas! 10$ is chump change.

whats left to say?

Honestly, if I was the one buying a ticket and someone asked to piggyback on it with a BOGO coupon, I wouldn’t think nothing of it because I think people should be willing to help others whenever they can. The only way I would ask for half the ticket is if I was REALLY hurting for money…but then again I wouldn’t be spending it on a movie anyways.

If I had the BOGO and someone wanted me to split half the coupon…I’d do it. I wouldn’t ask them to help me out anymore though, unless they really needed the cash at the moment.

First of all it’s “Lo and Behold”.

Secondly, LOL at your 19 year old brother making his gf pay for the movie, and then compensating with a 6 dollar sub. I bet that dude split one sub too, instead of buying two.

not if he went for the sub of the day.

Carpet’s logic is the most sound.

You (thread starter) did not get him in for free, his ticket did. To expect money in-order to use his ticket is wrong, and that in essence is what you’re doing. It’s almost as if you’re making him pay for the privilege of you buying a ticket and handing over a coupon.

Unless you’re both broke all the time, I don’t see why you would have a problem with it.

Hahaha, that. Your grimy brother makes his girlfriend pay for him when he goes to the movie and you expected him to split the cost of a ticket with you, his brother?

Guess you learn something new everyday.

Nah, I asked him he got her a Chicken Teriyaki sub. Guess it evens out. Oh well, a lot of people are divided on this. Than again, if this was a spur of the moment thing and we’re in line right there and than I probably wouldn’t have cared.

Your not wrong for that shit. You guys coulda worked something out I guess. For example: He drives or pays for food.

i think your brother is correct personally

its even deeper than that, these fuckers are like cops. ruining life for everybody for no reason.

Why the fuck did you bump something from 2008? Fuck.