Ok, Who'S The Real Dumb One Here?

I disagree. If someone asks you to help them out and you ask for something in return they don’t agree to, how does that make them wrong? it doesn’t. It’s not like he had already purchased the ticket. The way it’s written is

Javid’s Brother: Can I use my BOGO ticket with yours?
Javid: Sure. Since I’m paying can we split the ticket?
Javid’s Brother: Nah. Nevermind. I’ll stay home.
Javid: YOU’RE A BITCH!!!

You guys are acting like he’s required to come out of his pocket for some magical unknown reason. If Javid had bought the ticket already I’d understand, but he hadn’t.

I agree with will gotti… UNLESS!

The younger brother is like 12 and under.

and Javids brother IS being a bitch with the “mweh im not going then!” but this is still dependant on the age gap.

Although Javid could have been more generous he is not being unreasonable.

I’m with Will Gotti. Clearly we don’t know the full details, but if Javid’s brother wasn’t broke, then he was being an asshole. If he was genuinely broke, then it’s understandable.

Come on. Magical unknown reason? What part of “buy one get one” is unknown? The kid just refuses to partake in the buy one, or even buy half of one. And I doubt Javid was like “split the cost or YOU DON’T GO!” It’s a natural proposal to make, and I’ve done that on both sides several times. Kid wasn’t obligated to accept, but he also didn’t have to say “fuck it, then, I"m staying home.” He could have counteroffered.

it’s a natural proposal to make, sure, but that doesn’t mean he has to accept it. Just like you said “Split the cost or you don’t go!” he chose not to go and he’s wrong for that? You guys make it sound like he’s obligated to come out of pocket just for asking to piggyback. Counter offer what? You’re not required to make a deal with someone just because they initiate it. Like I said, you’d be right if Javid had been set back, but he’s in the exact same position he was. Nothing was lost, he’s crying because he didn’t gain anything. That’s wack. I wish a nigga WOULD be like “you have to pay something now! You don’t have the option of staying home!”

The problem is its his younger brother…Its not just some random dude/friend…Javid ended up watching the movie anyway & spent $10…It wouldn’t have matter if he went or not…I’m all for saving or making money but not on family…

The hell? Didn’t know how people made such a big deal out of such an issue.

Yeah, theres the “principal of the thing” and all, but if it was me I wouldn’t really give a fuck. I was gonna pay for the $10 anyways, and if someone had a buy one get one free ticket, and I knew that person really well, I’d let him in… simple as that.

I dunno, it guess theres just 2 sides to the story.

From the info provided, he wasn’t asking for help. What I gathered from the OP’s post was his brother wanted to use the coupon to get into the movie for free. Nothing wrong w/that at all, I don’t blame the brother. What’s wrong is the brother’s reaction to the OP and them being brothers’, in this situation Javid just wanted to benefit from the coupon too.

I can understand that you’re saying that it was the brother’s coupon and he can do what he wants, yea no doubt, but Javid can do what he wants and not let the attendant honor the coupon through his ticket purchase which he obviously did. The brother’s reaction leads me to believe he would’ve asked Javid the same thing (splitting costs) if Javid had the coupon, but would’ve been selfish and kept it all for himself and went home like he did when he had the coupon.

Javid: "Hey bro let’s split this so we both can use the coupon.
Javid’s Bro: But it’s my coupon to get in free. But hey, can you pay your $10-12 since you’d have to anyways so I can keep my money in my pocket and use this thing?
Javid: But dude if we split the costs, we can both use the coupon and it’ll be like $5-6 each and I can save some money.
Javid’s Bro: Naw man fuck that I’m going all the way back home cause I’m selfish with my own brother.

Even if Javid hadn’t bought the ticket yet, he was trying to save money too realizing that he couldn’t get in free himself. It nullifies the freeness of getting into the movie for the brother, but hey it’s not like he’s paying $10-12. A bunch of people are throwing in the guilt trip of “hey it’s your bro you should have done it!!!” but they aren’t realizing that if they split the costs both could have used the discount and enjoyed Rambo together. That’s what sharing and negotiating provides dude. Happiness…hopefully.[/WallofText]

Javid how old is your bro?

lol. It was a joke.



Javid is a dumbass because he wanted to gain something, namely the free ticket in the form of splitting the ticket, which was not his to begin with, and Javid’s brother is a dumbass for being a selfish person and using his brother as a way to get into the movies for free.

Good summary?

Personally, I would just say “fuck it” and go ahead and pay the $10 and remind my sibling to get me back in the future.

Will: lol@wall of text. I agree that he has every right to ask for half or decline, just like his brother can decline. But once they both said no, that should have been it. Instead, he made a thread like a bitch and got mad because he couldn’t get the hookup on his brothers ticket. When he said half and his brother said no, it was done. Nobody was wrong, they just couldn’t reach an agreement. No one was a dumbass until javi made this thread.

The brother thing doesn’t matter to me in this case. Its irrelevant.

i dont’ see how you can side with the brother. The coupon is worth exactly $0 as proven here when there’s no first ticket. It’s going to be even more worthless once it expires.

The fact that the brother had to say he OWNS the coupon and Javid had no right split just shows how selfish/cold he is. If i was Javid, i’d slap the brother, take $5 from him and go watch rambo together.

So principles don’t apply with family. Makes sense.

Oh, I know what it was supposed to be. As a native English speaker, though, I can’t very effectively translate from Moronese, so I didn’t quite catch the punchline.

LOL, I can’t believe how this simple question has so completely polarized the board. SRK CIVIL WAR - WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON!?!

Man, I’m with Cap - fuck this registration bullshit.

It’s IS a simple straightforward black and white thing. It would cost Javid absolutely nothing extra for his brother to piggyback on his ticket purchase (which he was going to buy anyway regardless of what his brother did) and he actually has to go out of his way to specifically deny him from doing it. So Javid is in the exact same position he was going to be in anyway regardless of his brother…and now he’s complaining because he can’t gain extra from splitting the coupon?

Come on with that…it’s pretty simple.

Javid’s brother did nothing wrong. He asked to use the ticket, he declined to go because Javid tried to muscle five bucks out of him for no reason…and no his brother’s in the wrong? I don’t see it.

What’s with these other questions like if he’s a younger or older brother or how old he was or what movie they were watching or if they were having snacks or whatever? Lol, how is any of that shit relevant!?!

What colour shirt was your brother wearing? If it was pink, then fuck that guy, slap him and take his coupon. If it was a bright, primary colour then you should have paid for both tickets. If it was a dull, earth tone your brother should have paid for everything. If it was a multi-coloured striped shirt, then you should have split it and ordered the Skittles and popcorn combo at the snacks counter.

Like…what the hell does it matter?

Yea that sums it up exactly. Me and my friends usually front each other if one is short, doesn’t have a lot of money to go out, etc. and we always pay each other back later. If one of us had the coupon we’d have split the costs. If we ended up in a situation where one just said fuck that it’s my coupon, then we’d just say fuck it and go ahead and let them use our ticket so they can get in for free. It’s never come to the situation like Javid’s cause we’re all close and not like that, except for one friend/roommate in college (Mandingo from Crazy Story Thread that nigga was deceiving and selfish), but I’d just remember that shit later on.

You’re right. You pretty much summed up both sides and how it should’ve ended at no and keep on rolling. Both were dumbasses about it. It could have been handled other ways like what Eso was talking about in his last sentence. Making a thread only showed that both were being bitches.

here’s a better summary:

  1. Javid is a dumbass for making this useless thread
  2. His brother is a dumbass for not spliting the free coupon.

unless Javid was a dick and never split/give shit with his brother, his bro had no right to not split the ticket.

I think it boils down to whether or not the brother will repay the favor in the future. Carpet, I know you wouldn’t mind paying if you were in Javid’s shoes, but essentially you’re doing the brother a favor. If that brother never returned the favor and you didn’t mind, I’d have to say you’re quite the nice guy.

That’s what I’m saying though - what’s the favour he’s doing for his brother?

Buying the one in the “buy one get one free” equation? Well but he was already going to do that anyway regardless of what his brother does.

He’s doing absolutely nothing extra for his brother - I don’t see how he’s going out of his way to help his brother out at all. Like what? He has to do the extra action of giving the cashier the coupon and the extra action of handing the extra ticket to his brother?

I just don’t get what alleged favour he’s doing for his brother.

There is no other way to look at this situation than this ^

Ever consider that $10 is a lot of money to some people (fuck, my ass would never spend $10 on a damn movie) and that the brother only would see the movie if it was free because he was broke? And that if he had to pay, then he actually couldn’t go? Yeah, if that was the case, the brother has every right to be pissed at Javid. If not, then still of course the brother is completely unobligated to deal with Javid’s stipulations on his own coupon and can choose as he wants. Hopefully he found another person to see the movie with who realized that he or she is not losing any money by doing him a favor and doesn’t mind, doing him a favor.

Edit: Carpet Lint, yeah it’s not actually a favor unless you look at it as going out of one’s way, which it isn’t. It’s really just… using a fucking coupon.