Oh Say Can You See! Captain America video thread!

Sorry but I have to comment on your assist calls. You need better assist call management. I’m surprised the other person didnt happy bday you throughout the whole set. Im watching the videos and anticipated all of your assist calls and knew how to punish/win the round with his team.

When its a 2 vs 1 situation, LIMIT the assist calls or at least only call it in situations where you know its safe. You should have lost a match quicker/more in that video because of those assist calls.

I also noticed that you panicked a lot…XF’d defensively then did a raw tag to sent…IMO very bad move. You lose out on your resource and possibly lose out on a character. IMO aggressive XF is better than defensive XF especially when having 2 or more characters still left on your side. In one of your situation I would have rather saved XF2 until I had a solid hit confirm and killed the character with no meter or one meter and not needing to DHC for a ToD.

Hi im nasty just beat PR Rog at Revelations. Very well played.

Edit The match is the only highlighted match on the TeamhAZmat channel from this weekend.

Good shit nasty. http://www.twitch.tv/teamhazmat/b/329295768

Old, but if you’re still looking for it, Jint has the combo video. I’ve sent it to him a while back.

I suppose he doesnt. Actually he was the one who showed me the video, but he’s lost the link long ago =(

Great video!!! No one will ever understand how much I LOVE Captain America quotes lol. For some reason I just can’t get enough of them. . . . .and sometimes they actually mean something! lol

i plan on uploading everyones quotes with eng and jap voices
i just finished morrigan, nemesis, and nova

“I knew a guy like you in WWII once, he didn’t make it either” is the best lol

They ended it with my favorite:

“All skill, no heart, and no victory.”

For once, I won in a tourney. Although most of it is Frank/Ryu, there should be some Cap bits.

…Aside from him dying a lot ^^; My matches are mixed in with everyone elses, but i made it to Grand Finals/Winners/Losers


Jint, for a while I thought you were kinda crazy using Cap on anchor and Frank on point…maybe it’s because I’m extremely biased toward Cap lol, maybe not. I tried Frank out in a couple random matches, but didn’t put time into him yet, saw some potential though once I actually get used to his movement…and learn his moves lmao.

I just started watching the vid you posted above…Holy Kindergarten Batman!!! I must learn Frank, I have slept on him waaaaay too much it seems. I was afraid to learn him due to the lvl up system, and I was only thinking it worked great with TAC’s or ‘wasting’ hyper meter. (oh how wrong I was) The one time I decide to leave a character alone because ‘everyone’ said he sucked, he looks like someone I should’ve been using all along anyway. I mean c’mon…I’ve used both Cap and IronMan since early Vanilla, why back down now lol.

Thank you for staying awesome :smiley:


Here is some footage of the last tournament I’m entering for a while. Made it to grand finals but ended up losing the tournament (it is a small one). Feel free to watch and download. Feedback is appreciated but since I’m stopping Marvel for now there isn’t much benefit for me.

I’m in Winners Finals and grand finals

yeah like whenever you think you hear him saying this to storm is the funniest shit ever “Your kinds got not shot”

Combofiend vs DoomBR




So I finally got to run a proper set with one of my YouTube idols so to speak after a month of lab time and trying to level up my gameplay to go to try my luck at a local tourney. Only other person left to play again is Ken123103. Any advice/critique is welcome as im trying to main this game/team. I was pretty nervous started out the set but started to settle down after the first two matches i think. Think i can finally settle on this team so now i just gotta make it work. just started learning taskmaster to replace strider on my team so currently he is the weakest link and a bit fraudulent on my team. aside from my crappy execution level what else can i work on to utilize my favorite character captain america? also any tips on wave dashing, tiger kneeing, and superjumping are more than welcome cause im still trying to work on those fundamentals that im lacking. i play on pad if that makes a difference btw.

Advice against Ken123456?? pick Arthur last.

lol nah i meant advice/pointers in general from watching my gameplay in the vid. Ken123103 is just awesome overall and is pretty much the main reason why i main captain america from vanilla days until now. so i got a mad respection for his Cap’n America skill. im just trying to level up so i can at least not get blown up and perfected when it is i get the courage to ask him to run a set with me again.

Lol thanks for the kind words bro! And if there is anything I can give you critique on is to vary up your offense. Its good to always apply pressure to your opponent, but sometimes it ended up getting you killed. One of Caps best tools is to apply pressure without needing to be near you! So against a Chris it is probably a good idea to stay close to him, but against spencer, you might wanna try and keep him at mid range and harass him with shield slashes.

Just a little food for thought, and anytime you want that rematch I will be more than glad to oblige you lol. But preferably not when I’m at college, laggy tv + laggy internet = Unhappy Ken123103

lol i know that feel. lag is not our friend. ill take what you said into consideration. i so hate mirror matches but at the same time you try to do all the things you know would annoy you to beat the opponent. which is better against a wire grapple heavy spencer; charging star, raw launcher, stars & stripes, chicken block or medium shield slash?

A couple vids from Arcade Legacy ranbats for you guys. My first offline tourny in months so I missed alot of opportunities but overall I’m happy with it.

Winner’s Finals:

Grand Finals:

I can’t get the videos to embed on the forum