thx guys for coming out. I think it was a great turn out.
sry for the late results. I dont have internet right now : (
1st. Aulord
2nd. Javitz
3rd. Mike g
4th place:
5th place tie:
The realist
7th place tie:
Nv niko
9th place tie:
Zeon live
David j
Thanks Citi for such a cool tournament. GGs to everybody I played Zaichek, Shine, Rayray, Noel Brown and Poem. Also to anybody I played during casuals. Going 3-2 was a tournament best for me.
Great tourney. Best venue I’ve been to by far. Good shit to everyone I played. GGs Javits, beating me twice in the same tourney :O!!!
that was really fun for my first my first tourney, even though i got destroyed by mikeg and noel brown. shit was mad fun though
Great tournament Andy, I really loved the venue
Damn, BROWN didn’t make top 8?
Good shit Yung Javits better luck next time on the top spot.
October 27, 2010, 3:31pm
Congrats Aulord you broke the curse. See you at Guard Crush.
oh and really great venue.
wait. so i forfeit and still got 9th? exactly how many people showed up?