Talking about me, Flashy Nights?
Any info on this in the CT area?
7 eleven you say, you dont have to tell me where, but if what u say is true ill take a look around
Apparently Capcom store sent it out way early to make up for vanilla’s screw up.
If anybody has any info for northern Indiana, let me know pleeeeease! Not likely, but I can dream. Got SSF4 7 days early out of herpderp southern Indiana K-Mart, so it might happen!
I find this thread useless at best, Most catz who got it early already aren’t saying jack, and catz who are bout to buy it aren’t saying anything cuz they want it and don’t want a ton of people hitting up the spot to lose there chances on getting it early.
Washington DC / MD / VA folks shoot me a PM if you hear of shipments coming in. I know my spots, just need to know when to inquire.
Yo, that’s why you tell peeps after the fact. I hit up people with info when I get it. I’m not going to go tell someone that just registered today or some shit where to get it. These stores need to be kept secret if you want more URLEH leaks. One example is Kmart, they leaked MW3 like a week ahead of time and they got fined $100,000 from the game company. You think a small game store can take a hit like that? Didn’t think so. Take your comments out of my “useless” thread :arazz:.
-Tha Hindu
You missed my point completely.
but wevas son.
If people want to state areas around where the place is located then we wouldn’t be stating the place exactly. People that are in the area might know the place and could go scope around to find it. Like the one guy did with saying the 7/11 in the Bronx. There are a shit ton, no way anyone that’s out to ruin our fun is going to find that shit.
-Tha Hindu
Wait, wait hold the hell up!
I know where 2 are (I think) as I live not too far away with a few others a bit out of the way but a bus ride away as it is.
Awwww shit, gonna see if I can get dat early marvel crack.
Make sure to post up if you did get it or not.
-Tha Hindu
already playing umvc3 and for free =)
thanks dude this is what we want to know -_-
Fuckin’ tease :arazz:.
-Tha Hindu
use fucking english.
As far as I know in New York City…
VideogamesNY (Manhattan, St. Mark’s area); I was told they will have it Saturday indefinitely, Friday is the earliest.
The Next Level (Brooklyn, Park Slope); tweeted/facebook updated that they’ll have it for sale Monday indefinitely. They may get it a day or two earlier. So go there and push some quarters in.
J&R (Manhattan, Chinatown); I have not called up this place yet, but you have an easier time going there in person to find out. They sometimes don’t really tell you much over the phone.
I live on the Eastern Shore of MD. I’ll be hitting up DE tomorrow, at least the lower areas.
all the spot you shouted out are all hot spots. there are other places in the city that get them way before they do. try not to list there names next time, we dont want to get them in trouble by the way.