OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

If anyone knows of any in the Eastern Kentucky area, PM me… and I’ll luv u 4evurz. But seriously I’d appreciate any info.


Same deal here. I’m willing to make a drive but I’m tryin to at least keep it in GA.

If the last few months have been anything to go by, I would say Australia can expect UMVC3 to go on sale early (Probably next Tuesday or so rather than the Street Date of next thursday). Batman, Battlefield, NBA and I think Sonic all went on sale early. Considering UMVC3 insn’t a high-profile title in comparison, and considering that Vanilla broke by 2 days or so as well I think we can expect the same.

I know the usual suspects in the area but have been busy with other things to call around, so if any LA-area peeps have definitive knowledge then drop me a pm…

If anyone in Texas, specifically the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, comes across a shop. Hook it up with the info, please. Thanks!

Just checked out 2 local Kmarts and 1 local Walmart. Neither had received UMvC3. Funny though because as I was asking Kmart employees if they had UMvC3 they started stocking the shelves with Skyrim. Kmart breakin’ street dates. THEY DON’T GIVE A FUUUUCK.

-Tha Hindu

This. So much.

pm me about it i need names

Im guessing they shipped it internationally early to make sure it made it, but later shipment for Domestic stores. Blah

Seconding this, I am going to be in Orlando this weekend and would love a heads up

yooo PM me about the details

If you guys receive copies please post a picture of it.

-Tha Hindu

Anything in Washington state? D :

I called a place in NJ today and they told me check Saturday. :eek: I’m seriously considering it even though I have it pre-ordered from Amazon. Anyone know if I can keep the costumes from Amazon and just return the game?

Anything in Maryland or Virginia?

I’m familiar with a place in Philly, will check it out tomorrow.

I can guarantee you Gamestop is getting it today or tomorrow so if you got a homeboy at the store…

I was at the Call of Duty midnight release and the guys at the store (since I come so much) told me they would slide me a copy during all the chaos at the Assassins Creed midnight release. If i was really cool with them I bet I could really get the hook up, the guy there was asking me all kinds of Marvel shit trying to exchange PSN names n shit.

Boom shaka laka.

This is not true. MW3 was a huge title so got shipped really early. My friend is a manager at the local store and has access to see items that are in route to the stores. I asked him today and he said that UMvC3 has yet to ship. Who knows, it might have gotten shipped to some stores but not others.

-Tha Hindu

AC comes out on the same night as UMvC3, so it’s a midnight launch for all of those games that night. Of course they’re going to give you a copy, I’m going that night too.

(If I don’t find it early)