OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

Boston has a thread? I rarely post on SRK, but I’d like to start posting here again. What thread is it that you speak of?
I believe this is what he is referring to.

Ah, thanks.

Tried PM’ing? I have no console in the house I’m renting so going to be a stream monster for a while.

Amazon said my shipment is on it’s way! :eek:

Yay for on time !

Early is meh, getting it at all is all that matters.

Amazon just emailed me as well! YAY! I was getting worried for a bit there.

Even though its 9PM I WANT IT NOW!!

so kmart and sears never got this game…I guess their buyer was serious…:frowning:

yo game stop is selling the game right now go get it yo gogogo

The game is out now, so this thread is closed.