OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

I’m happy =] Not only is Dos Santos vs. Velasquez, Pacquiao vs. Marques happening today, but early release of marvel…great day to be in nyc lol

My friend bought an opened copy at Gameplay in Long Beach and when he got home he found out there was no disc in the box

I’m debating whether to suck up the 30 dollar loss to have the game a few hours early or go through with the plan to just refuse it. It’d be a pain in the ass to find a Gamestop in the area that will have it out at midnight and when I tried to get Vanilla at midnight from the only Supercenter Wal-Mart nearby they refused to bring it out to a bunch of us that were waiting. Luckily, the Gamestop across the street was actually open for the midnight opening of Vanilla. I just don’t know if anything is going to be open for Ultimate though.

Yeah man, everything should be open for Ultimate. That same night the new Assassin’s Creed comes out and I think Saints Row the Third. So you should have a damn good chance of them having Ultimate up for sale as well.
I preordered mine at Best Buy, so I’m going there to pick up the game, then going right to Gamestop to buy the guide since I have it paid off. =D

can anyone pm any locations around SOCAL specially close to Manhattan Beach???

Oh, well yeah, fuck then. Refusing it is. I didn’t know about Assassin’s Creed and Saints Row coming out as I don’t follow either of those series, but yeah it shouldn’t be too hard to get a copy at midnight then. I just hope when I go into work today my schedule is for morning hours on Tuesday or something.

anyone know a place around the bay area?

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew of any locations breaking the street date in the VA Beach area or anywhere nearby? I’ve been to the 7-elevens and the k-marts but no luck. If someone could PM me some information I would appreciate it.

P.S. (Yes I joined today, and no I’m NOT A CAPCOP)

bay area is dry better luck next time

Nothing yet, really doubt it.

One of my friends picked it up in AZ early. Once he gets back online I’ll ask him for us Freenixers.

rawr! got mine early <3 the bronx. store had a few copies left

Woo, go Shagyam! lol

installing skyrim as i wait eagerly…

Please post or PM. Been driving around all day looking for it.

I got my copy!!! i got it in burbank! im the happiest filipino boy in LA…lol i love living in a major metropolitan area! :party:

DC :bluu:

Let me know thru pm as well. If my pm I sent you goes thru, disregard the number. Type it in wrongby accident

BOOO you no share!

Anyone know of any places in Chicago that broke the street date?

Yeah been searching around socal as well mostly kmarts in chula vista and san ysidro area and nothing… I called and they were trying to sell me the vanilla version haha. So any socal areas???