OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

O.k just got back from Work and Noticed I have a FedEx Delivery scheduled for Tomorrow at 3pm from BestSku. So I guess early bird gets the Worm? Also They are selling it for $35 Dollars and $25 Express Shipping Total’s to $60, so for me it isn’t that bad.

If anyone in NJ knows a place that is selling early, please hit me up with a PM.

I’ll try calling some places tomorrow.

Well just ordered from the Capcom Store (Next day air) so even if it doesn’t ship out before the release date I can always just cancel it and get it on launch day from amazon.

I got the e-mail today. Amazing right?

(and yeah, UK based. Portugal here.)

I can’t get off of work until 10PM. Gamestop’s selling them already.


Called twice. Guy said that they have it already. They are selling. I’m so sad.

Like, all over the place? O_o or just at a location near you?

Why would Gamestop break the date, esp the ones in So Cal. They stick by the books.

Gameson in San Diego says they haven’t gotten any yet but check back on Saturday. Just like when Super came out.

Where do you live? Can others confirm this if theirs is doing it too?

Trolling much?

I just called San Diego’s GS, not out till the 15th. Going to try Wal-Mart.

Actually, there was a Gamestop here in NY that broke the street date for SSF4. The employee at the counter asked her co-worker something along the lines of “are you sure we are allowed to sell these today?” To which he replied “yes”. I walked out with a day -3 copy.

Lucky, at least in NY you guys have a lot of mom and pop stores unlike in San Diego. I think LA area might have a few, but only one in San Diego so far that I could find haha.

Gameplay in Pomona and LA will probably have it tomorrow if they don’t have it already.
Some of you guys are ridiculous with your ‘google your zip code and figure it out’ bullshit. QFT and GTFO if you’re not gonna contribute.

No luck here in Louisiana. :frowning:

Only one non franchise gaming store in my area, which is sticking to the street date.

Got mine at Gameplay in Long Beach today, had to wait in line for 2 hours but it was worth it.


Man, I swear AZ ain’t got nuthin’ o_O

Idk if people haven’t read my last post or what but if you have a hookup at Walmart just have them go in the back and grab a copy of the game for you. All Walmarts do have them in the back in a box labeled to be opened on 11/15. Just have them bring it out and ring it up for you.

-Tha Hindu

i wish kmart would get this game already, i’ve got 50 bucks worth of coupons waiting for this game