OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

This thing called a weekend and this other thing called a job…

im also in australia (just moved from socal) i feel your pain. ive been checking eb, jb kmart and target for the last 3 days… nothing on shelves yet. i dont bother calling cause people are stupid and yeah i figured that if asking for umvc3 they would go "OH YEAH! we got it! then i get there and its vanilla… after i specifically ask that its ULTIMATE and not the older version…

thats actually happened to me on a number of occasions in socal with other games so i figure people arent any different around these parts especially when an eb employee told me mortal kombat 9 was more balanced than streetfighter cause in streetfighter if the other person knew what they were doing, a beginner couldnt win.

true fucking story.

anywho out here in perth i have no idea about early release spots, so its just a daily grind to see if they are on shelves… cause lets face it, if it aint on shelves then they aint going in the back to get it… it would already be on shelves if they were planning on breaking date.


Oh I’d like to. I won’t be participating in the tournament on the 14th but I will be coming in an hour before release to check things out and how the scene is like.

So you work from 9am til 12am on Monday?


You see, when working full-time it kinda makes you tired - whether it’s an office job or labor intensive, more often than not you usually just want to relax after. Then on top of that some people have loved ones that they come home to: spouses, children, etc. Some people have responsibilities and the weekend presents the best opportunity to do get into the things they want.

Basically my point is everyone’s life doesn’t revolve around a friggin’ video game.

Anyone found one in Vancouver/anywhere in lower mainland of B.C

Send me a P.M if you do

D: This just made my day sad.

That’s why I hate talking about fighting games with Gamespot/EB employees
That story made me depressed

Don’t suppose there’s any early sightings in AZ (Goodyear/Phoenix area)? Just moved here from southern CA a few weeks ago.

clam down bro lol we all know

It sure is if you are gonna beast Justin Wong and all the other top players! He’s gonna be da best

Anybody with Socal info can you PM me please. My usual place isn’t getting it I
n till Monday :confused:

Can I get a pm too please? Thanks!

If anybody knows where I can pick this up in the Central Florida area would shoot me a pm, it’d be much appreciated! Anywhere near Orlando would be perfect

I’ll be on the lookout in the usual NY/Bronx shops. Kinda doubt I’ll find anything today, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

Socal PM? Seems people are getting it but I still have no clue on where places are since I’m new to the area.

Any Northern VA/MD spots yet? If so please PM - thanks!

Quote of the year. Real talk.

Any locations in GA or even south carolina?