Official NEW Alternate Costume Thread

You get them the same way you get any other costumes for the console games - the Xbox Live Marketplace or PSN Store. Just go through the dashboard. The costumes for SFIV will be under the Street Fighter IV section, NOT the Super SFIV section, so make sure you check the right page. The costumes only carry over from the same console, so your PC costumes will not transfer to your system.

blankas new alt looks awesome in motion.

I was dissapointed with guys alt… unless theres some reference im missing.

If anyone else has a pre-order code they don’t want to use it would be appreciated if you could send it to me in a private msg. I don’t wanna wait 2 months to use blankas new alt! I’ll put ur name in my sig if u want

Shameless, i know.

Super Shoryuken pack released yesterday! I’ve updated original posts to reflect this and added descriptions of the new costumes. Also, if anyone knows of any references the costumes make that I may have missed (either to traditional garb or something more modern) please post up in here so I can make the original posts reflect it.

Also, check the first post for any questions you might have on costumes, and if I didn’t cover something ask away in here!

Cowboy Ken colour ten is fabulous. All that is missing is a rainbow shoryuken in stead of the flame one.

I like Akuma’s alt 2, Ryu’s does look a little out of place, but not as much as I thought it would.

I like Ryu’s Alt 2. He doesn’t look so poor anymore. But I’m still getting used to Ryu without a headband and gloves.

Ahhh I want Ibuki’s alt costume now!

I have the alts for Blanka ect and they do look really nice, shame I dont play them though.


ryu’s isn’t that great but colors 2-10 make it bearable. cowboy ken is the gayest thing i’ve ever seen in street fighter and a horrible decision for a costume. maybe if he had a lot of costumes you could throw that one in there but no, this is his 2nd alt costume. akuma is ok i guess. it’s fitting of his personality but i don’t care for it but i don’t hate it. dan’s is just stupid and a waste, which is very fitting. gouken looks like he’s on his way to a samurai rave or some shit.

Ken’s cowboy outfit isn’t that bad. Some of the colors are good, and when he wins it looks cool how the brim is covering his eyes and those things attacthed to his gloves covering part of his face. I would have liked something else though. Akuma looks like he’s from DBZ or some shit. I like. Gouken reminds me Radien.

videos of most chars alternates and colors:


Ryu’s alt would be better if the top part of it wasn’t so obviously a size too small for him. The way it molds around his abdomen only works to highlight just how fucked up the anatomy of his character model really is.

Chun’s alt colour 10 probably should have been the main design as opposed to the one-off extra.

edit---- Oh damn. Now I’m going to have to learn Vega. That alt is badass. :rock:

Thank you so very much! I’ve been waiting to see these forever.

Where re Hakan, Makoto, Dudley, and Dee Jay though?

Don’t know, but they’re already out so whatever.

But not everyone wants to get the costume packs right now. I want to wait until the set of everyone is out.

And it just happens to be that the character costume colors that I wanted to see most were Hakan, Dudley, and Dee Jay. ;~;

Anybody on here have any pics/videos of those? ^^^

The Prima guide has pics. [media=youtube]bx82u0wWhWQ[/media] (check his other videos, he has one with all chars)

You can go to any game store and check them out, or buy the ebook version of it.

Ok, so which costumes have the #10 thingy? I only saw Dudley, I dont think Chun’s counts as its a half assed Alpha suit.

Sakura is the only other one I think.

? I dont see anything different in Sakura’s

I’m also buying all the costume packs. You forgot to say in the ryu description that he looks like a 30 year old manchild with a serious down-syndrom. Ryu is the most retarded looking character in fighting game history with that second alt xD