Official Ga Thread: "Our Time is now"

Yezzir, that was me.
I go by the name of Grape. : P

Nice! I don’t think I got to talk to you because I was outside most of the time you were playing. I’ll be lookin for your Spidey the next time I go, and I for sure wanna fight you. Nice to see some good Parker rep. I don’t gotta tag I’ve decided on yet, but my good ol’ regular name is Russ.

I remember you. My name is Brandon, and I was the Guile player you talked to at BnB. No one post in the GA thread anymore really. Its a shame. But you can get in on discussions on the Facebook group.

I have been meaning to get out to battle and brew but have not had the chance. now that i work closer , i will definitely come out. time to meet more fighters in the metro atl area!

You were wearing an Evo shirt right? Yeh I remember you too it was cool talking to you. I wanna catch your Guile next time and see what we can learn from each other.

And is this the Facebook group you guys are talking about?


Nope that’s not it. Waba is ancient history. Not sure if I should take the liberty of posting the link, but why not?

You have to be invited to the Ga facebook page. Also welcome to the new heads in the ga scene.

For green mario:

Location is the key imo. That and being affordable, because while the ga scene is huge it is also spread out. I would try to get near a movie theater. I was looking into opening my own arcade/lan center 2 years ago, but finding a location that was central to everyone and worth it on rent. I would say be near a mall/movie’s for your best chance to survive the 1st 5 years.

Just a quick reminder, the tourney date is changed to this saturday the 13th, hope to see you guys out there!

The tourney is in tallahassee FL, with AE MVC3 ST and MK9 so come on out

Hi everyone, I’m from the Smash community and we have an upcoming venue coming soon located in Cumming, Georgia. Just out of curiosity would you guys be interested in having tournament there/other fighting game tournaments there?

I’m pretty sure Cumming is kinda far away for most of us guys who post on here (slap me if I don’t know wtf I’m talking about). Can we at least see the venue first? :sweat:

Yeah, from what I’ve been told it’s suppose to be pretty large (3x bigger than our previous venue that held 70+ people comfortably), but the guy who I’m talking to renting it is probably exaggerating a bit. I’ll be checking it out sometime in the next few weeks probably

Any MK9 players in the albany area?

facebook group killing the thread. THIS IS THE LONGEST GA THREAD EVER.

@Prince: Looking online, I think you’d have better luck checking out than looking here. I could be wrong. As for the actual Albany area, I’d tell you to check out Darton College. I go to Albany every now and then, and that’s the ONLY hangout spot for gamers in that area, from what I’ve been told. I know there’s also a cardshop (i forget what it’s called, it’s kinda infamous), they occasionally have people too, but you’re gunna wind up paying money to play your own game, so I’ve never been there outside of a stray melee tourney 'bout 2 years ago.

what is the venue?

yo looking for some casual matches online or off. hit me up tigeronslaught1 xbox liive

anyone still wanna play some tekken?

ppl on that tekken man.

ricky is having that tournament next month, i dunno why he isnt posting the link like crazy.

word, hook, me up with that link bruh!


Ain’t nobody but ricky playing tekken, stop frontin!!!

ppl play that tekken man. you just have to ask them to play or talk some recklessness to provoke them to play. lol.

here is the link for the tournament next month: