It doesn’t change the flow of the match. You’re right that it’s essentially a damage buff, but it doesn’t come with new options (like Chun/Boxer/Ryu).
One of the biggest pros is that she can buffer a fireball in front of the stored super. This is a huge, game changing option that makes life very difficult for certain characters (Zangief, Dictator to name two). For example, geif, who can normally lariat Chun’s fireball, cannot lariat once she has her super, as he’ll eat the fireball, the super, and the upkicks afterwards.
At close range, ryu’s super won’t fully hit, and will trade with normals. At ultra close range, his super can whiff entirely. I played a game with XSPR where my Claw walked up and hit his Ryu cleanly through his reversal super (at super close range).
It’s his only real anti air… and a powerful anti air at that, as you get 2 hits + jumping mp afterwards.
I think a lot of people in this thread are saying stuff like “How can XXX super be only average? It’s great in situation YYY”.
Nobody is saying supers aren’t good. All supers are good to some extent (except maybe Blanka’s :)). It’s just a question of how good are they relative to other supers?
In general I would say look at the classes of supers:
Horizontal supers: Balrog, Ryu, Honda, Dic, DeeJay, Fei, Blanka, Chun
Grapple supers: Hawk, Claw, Gief
Combo supers: Ken, Cammy, Sagat, Guile
Horizontal supers in general are the best class of super. They can go through projectiles, are generally safe on block, and can be used as anti air. New positional options are opened up by having this super. Balrog and Ryu are far ahead the best in class here, with Chun leading the rest of the pack in third place.
Grapple supers have the distinction of not being able to miss. This strong point is offset by the fact that they don’t really open up any new gameplay options for the character. This is the second best class of super, I think.
Combo supers in general need to be comboed to be useful. A miss with one of these can mean eating big damage or a round loss. Their main use is as a high damage reversal option, or as a damage bonus in combos. These are the worst supers.
Dhalsim’s super doesn’t really fit any of these classes imho. If I had to put it somewhere, I’d treat it as a horizontal super with very short reach (similar to Fei’s).