*Official Borderlands Thread* - Mad Max + 5 Billion Weapons


So yeah, about loot. It’s whoever gets it first lol. If you’re the sniper…random co-op might not be fun.

ya so basically its diablo haha


Skill calculator.

i wasnt thinking of going brawler… but this might make me relive my FO3 power fist days
and awesome! its 44.95 pre-purchase on steam right now
hella savings

edit: well i just bought it, and thank god
kinda nice how i am not spending 50% more to get it on console

Here are the 8 pre-order guns.
(posted in my blog)


Looks good, wasn’t as flashy as I thought though.

Single player with chance of co-op FPSRPG…I stuck with Hellgate London long enough, this has to be better than it was. Especially with a loot system like that. That combined with cell shaded graphics = day 1 PC purchase here.

Just need to tear myself away from Aion long enough to actually play it…And Dragon Age: Origins…

Fuck it’s going to be a gaming winter.

whoaa preorder guns?

Lilith makes the rest of the cast look lame as hell. I’d definitely be playing her if I decide to get this.

Don’t know about that. :wonder:
I think Lilith is just a bit random.

The only character who seems simple is Brick. Everybody else looks fun. Lilith is definitely random and that’s what will be fun about playing her character.

Messing with the visible properties of light mixed with surgical shotgun blasts will be good, clean fun.

Oh fuck, you can save and quit anywhere you want; you can also respec your dude at save points.

Good shit!

-head explodes-
Who’s ready for some Co-op action? (no-homo)

<---- PSN

Apparently Future Shop is selling Borderlands for $40 (PS3 and 360 versions only). I don’t know if it’s a one-day sale or if it’s another Batman: AA incident.

I’ll definitely give this a rent when it comes out. If I enjoy it enough I’ll pick it up. Seems like a good co-op game.

It’s good to be Canadian.

unable to find anything borderlands

edit: wait it worked now
wow, good deal… but i already got mine pre-ordered on PC
i dont like aiming with thumbs

indeedy forsheezy.

unlockable character: Kenshiro Kasumi

I will be getting this game tomorrow from my hookup spot can’t wait.