Offering $$$ for a ride to Evo

Offering $$$ for a ride to Evo from Socal (IE/LA/OC area) to Vegas.

Need a ride for 2 people

You can drop us off at the strip or at Ceasar’s

Need to leave anytime Friday but MUST be back in Socal Monday morning.

If anyone has room in their ride and is planning on leaving anytime Friday and returning Sunday night/Early Monday then shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance

I’ll give you a ride I’m driving from socal too leaving on thurs. hit me up at my email with your phone number so we can discuss… if you need a room we can split it I booked a room at a cheap rate at a best western 5 min drive to the Caesar Palace.

My email is

I could use a ride to Evo on Thursday or Wednesday (anytime) from SoCal(Orange County area preferably) . I’d rather just post here then make a new thread. I’ll chip in and help pay for expenses of course :slight_smile:

If your for real man I can go pick you up on thurs. night just give me ur phone number to talk details n shit. send it on my email and I’ll call you tomorrow. Im starting from Santa barbara north from orange county.

sure, e-mail sent

I got 1 spot
Still available if anyone is going to Vegas

Yeah I need someone who has room in their ride for 2 people. I already have my reservation for a room so just really need to get down there. Hopefully someone will be able to give us a lift.

Where do u guys live ?? Send me an email with ur info n well discuss it

I’m at work right now so guess I’ll just email you when I get home. Or is it cool to send a PM?

Alright its cool an email or on AIM my screen is xxsorrow120 or on xbox live GT: xTHExS0RR0Wx with zeros… I’m leaving thur night so let me know whats up.

need a ride also

I also need a ride from the LA area to Vegas. thurs - mon. I have a car to give you guys a ride but I perfer it if I can ride with someone else. its kinda an old car ('92 nissan mini van) so yea.

Email me with the subject “EVO RIDE” and say whether you can give me a ride or you are looking for a ride. I can give rides but again I rather be the passenger of someone else’s car.

I appreciate the responses and PM’s but like I stated on the first post. I need a ride from someone who has room for **2 **people in their ride and that is leaving **Thursday **night or **Friday **morning and that is returning **Monday **morning.

If anyone can make this happen then please shoot me a PM.

i can give a ride there tomorrow but… i’ma take my sweet ass time to get back so if you dont mind that i have room.

Someone post up…get me to Evo for all the pad mvc2 players in the world lol


Help me out!

Hey guys… VERY last min thing here too, long shot but might as well try… right?.. anyone still have a space for 1 person to carpool to EVO… wasnt planning on going because of a busy schedule, but now that things changed im going crazy trying to find a ride there… other friends have already left, so thought i’d try SRK and see if anyone was willing to carpool there. i’ll chip in for expenses of course… completely last min and a long shot… but doesnt hurt to try… this would be my first time attending EVO soooo with any luck… someone …anyone…deciding to go last min and need some help with gas money or whatever… help me have my first EVO experience…
crosses fingers …so if anyones heading there tonight…(thursday) or tomorrow morning reply, send me an email and see if we can work something out…

Or pm me on PSN: NEK-romantik
I’ll be checking on both every now and then… thanks…

Oh right… trying to get a ride from the LA area…