I do ok with a couple friends just playing around, but get slaughter in ranked matches. I use cr MK as my main poke, and try to push them in the corner. I throw out his jp rh to keep them honest. So just basically poke and use AA spheres?
it’s always going to be a lot more complex than that. it’s not about using any one thing. it’s about knowing your normals really really really well so that you can use stuff creatively to throw the other person off their game. the fancy partitioning and buffering comes in time. you’ll get much farther knowing your character’s normals with extreme confidence than practicing TTH every night for 2 hours.
Aa spheres are a home run that won’t connect often vs a strong player.
I hear ya, I didn’t mean just that, I’m just trying to fire out what I need to do. I know his kicks have good reach, I’m just trying to figure out what to do to get better. It’s frustrating when I feel like I’m not even a bump in the road, know what I mean? And I been looking for “exercises” to do to practice partitioning and buffering, as I feel I don’t do that very well. I can cancel tackles to aegis, followed by HB or KD, but that’s the extent
you should learn what options the opponent has after blocking tackle aegis and the options you have as well.
Also learn what the opponent can do to you when you have them in the sweet spot.
Nice to see that this thread is (kind) alive. Just started playing again, so I’m reviewing a lot of my old notes lol. What happened to the forums anyway? Are the button codes gone?
Here’s some good partition swaggery if you ever find the right time to do it. If you stun an opponent at any time during c.hp xx tackle:
s.mp juggle (not reset), lp sphere (start charging), dash, s.mp xx lp headbutt
Some Guile shit, basically. Looks cool as hell and does a good grip of damage.