Offensive partitioning: tricks, setups, and applying pressure

I don’t understand how to do any of this and it makes me want to quit. I’m so tired of playing Urien in the scrubbiest way possible. I want to actually level up.

you just need to pay attention to your hands. its easy to think you’re doing something one way but actually be doing it differently.
you want to really focus on what your hands are doing and focus on being as relaxed as possible (when you tense up you’re not as fluid/smooth/accurate).
if you’re having a lot of trouble just try making the second tackle an ex tackle (easiest of all to connect). that might build your confidence and get you to practice more.

it’s all just a matter of timing. everything should be sort of skewed when doing tth. as in button presses and stick movement dont line up. so if you find yourself tapping forward and pressing a button at the same time, try to delay the button press.


i always go to db (downback) with every charge. it might feel awkward at first but it’s better to train yourself to get used to it. the only time i don’t use db is when im doing something that requires specific amounts of shared charging/separate charging (like doing a pointblank lov to flashkick combo)

that’s cool that it is only a few points worse damage on mk lk.
i always do mk mk because it’s harder and you need tighter timing. so if you’re doing mk mk all the time, mk lk is something you should be able to do under stress without issue. if i was in some match with money on the line i’d do mk lk. but in friendly stuff i dont see why you shouldnt go for mk mk to build your confidence and timing in an actual match situation.

Thank you very much for you advice and insight. I apologize for the late reply.
I haven’t even attempted TTH yet. I can’t even m.tackle into m.tackle. I HAD m. tackle > EX tackle > m. tackle down a while ago but now I drop it all the time, can’t even get the first tackle to hit after cr.hp.

I’ll have to study your advice and try to apply it. Again, I appreciate your (and everyone else’s) help as I don’t have the means to go to local meetups and I doubt anyone would want to play 3S when there’s so much other shit to play (especially now that P4A is out).

if you have ggpo or XBL 3s you should look for Cruise’s urien. He is the best offensive charge partitioner I have ever seen.

I should play on GGPO…I don’t know why I don’t. I have it set-up and everything and I know people on there could help me get better, arguably more than anyone else could.

just keep at it buddy.
partitioning is a matter of muscle memory. and the only way you build that up is by doing it a lot.

as long as you can diagnose things you can figure it out and adjust.
things to try if stuff isn’t coming out properly:

instead of trying your usual timing, just wait PLENTY of time longer and then try the charge move. if nothing happens (or you just jump or do a normal) then that means you either took too long of a break inbetween charging or possibly you’re charging too long before the break. as in you’re getting a full charge, then resetting charge and trying to get out another charge in too short an amount of time.

if you do the same thing (wait longer than normal and then try the move) and the move does come out it means you’re not charging enough during the first portion of the partition. so you need to focus on changing your timing there.

in general with partitioning you want the last bit to be very minimal. that way you can either immediately fire it off (basically just tap down/back and then up/forward) or you can hold it however long you need to (since you will have finished the charge during that final down/back).

so you’re always looking to front load the charge. but some combos have such a long time to charge that doing so will actually give you too much charge which, once fully charged if you move, resets the counter which will screw it up. for instance remy’s air combo starting from j.fierce. you don’t start charging the flashkick until he’s already doing the cold blue kick. if you start it sooner you will overcharge and not have long enough during the second portion to get a full charge again (since you need to dash which is where you are splitting the charge).

maybe that’ll give you some more insight. #1 thing to remember is to keep at it. don’t be discouraged. your hands need to feel it for you to ‘get’ it. and that takes time. but it’s totally worth it if you enjoy charge characters. the system in 3S is absolutely the most fun and smooth system out there.

Thank you again, always coming through with the handy and informative stuff.

I love 3S and enjoy playing Urien way too much to actually quit, I just say I will when I’m frustrated.

I’m starting to learn that I need to work on my fundamentals before partitoning, though. I often go for the same exact stuff and do too much bullshit that NO player who actually knows what s/he’s doing would fall for. It’s hard to break that habit, however.

I will still apply what you’ve told me to my game, though. Or at least try to.

I’ve been holding d/b while charging so it’s natural when I do start partitioning.

Edit -

To expand on my set-ups (none of them are unblockable or anything special), this is pretty much all I do:

Round start - I go for a couple things.
1.) Back-up and start building meter until my opponent comes to me.
2.) Tackle, headbutt, or st. hp.

Once I get a bar going, I advance using (this is my main poking tool. I think I use it a little too much) and st. MP/HP until they get in the corner. I usually try to throw a cr.HP > tackle into the mix or cr. HP > headbutt.

When they’re in the corner and not knocked down: tackle xx lp aegis,, cr.hp, m.tackle, st.hp for a knockdown.
^That is actually my only corner set-up. So I just go for that over and over with various mixups.

I’ll upload some online play videos later so you can dissect my play better, if you want.

Wow, charge partitioning is easier than I thought (at least d/b, dash, d/b during dash, headbutt is). The only difficult part about it is the actual dash.
Tebbo, you’re awesome.

video showing the partition bars, no sound though

Nice stuff toasted, very insightful.



pretty funny. first one is dutty as hell. anyone know who it/they is/are?

can you show us how to do this?

i can do the midscreen unblockable like 7/10 on my keyboard, mainly timing issues with tackle after launch because i often dash headbutt and i don’t go over them. trying to get comfortable with the timing in general so i can do dash whatever in regular situations.

tth is out of the question but it has happened a few times… mk mk tackle i can do pretty consistently.

First Urien is Chelsea. Red Urien is Messatsu Yarou.


A gimmick I never see anyone in america talk about is mekuri gold special (mgs: made by gold river aka guy who runs game restraunt website) it works on shotos and makoto I believe.

I’ve only seen jimmy use this in America. Post toward throw -> jab aegis -> charge partition dash mk knee drop. the knee drop hits as a cross up and knocks the opponent down. Headbutt over and you Get ub mix up afterwards.

it’s not that great but does work. just an old gimmick. Might also not work if they quickstand lol

On shotos it’s a bit erratic, I’d have to study it more since sometimes it hits, sometimes I whiff. Maybe just strict timing
KD crossup works also without jab aegis, just throw > dash > mk kneedrop. Works expecially well against Alex, as shown by Tokido during Cooperation Cup 1 (talk about oooold tech here :P) I use that everytime lol

rx did it a while ago in a video against a ken player. iirc it only works if they quickrise. if they don’t then you end up on the other side, which is still good. i recall testing it and it depends on when the opponent starts high blocking, because of they high block too early, iirc they take a slight step back first and don’t get crossed up by it and you bounce off unsafely. i could be wrong in remembering it though, or it might only apply to ken because he gets up faster than the other shotos.

I don’t play urien much anymore but I’ve landed this on gesu yarou in casuals :smiley: but funny that the one time I tried this on yi he parried it. like I said just a gimmick.

Some good stuff here. I have trouble partitioning and buffering charges, which is pretty crucial to Urien. Any other tips on things I should work on for Urien?

Ground game!

using your super long legs and amazing standing fierce.