[October 26, 2013] Super Turbo Fright Night Tournament - Saltmines San Diego, CA

ST Revival is once again teaming up with The Oceanside Fight Club and The San Diego Fighting Game Club to bring you The Super Turbo FRIGHT Club Tournament to be held at the Saltmines in San Diego on October 26th starting at 7PM PST. We will be featuring the Undamned UD-CPS2 Supergun for the tournament. The OFC will also be featuring tournaments for Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and King of Fighters XIII.

We will also hold a special San Diego vs LA 5vs5 Exhibition as some old school SD players are scheduled to show up!

We’d like to thank the San Diego Fighting Game Club and The Oceanside Fight Club (Jonathan Kincaid and Dan Zapata) for helping organize this event and allowing us to be a part of it. Big thanks also to eltrouble and Sergjiev for providing the UD-CPS2 and for the stream.

Date: October 26th @ 7PM PST

  • 3 out of 5 games.
  • Double Elimination.
  • Akuma is banned.
  • UD-CPS2 Superguns. Compatible with most popular PS3/360 sticks.

Entry Fee: $5
Payout: 70/20/10

Bump! One week away!

This is tonight. 5v5! Hype!

Unfortunately, AfroLegends and Papercut said that they can’t make it. :frowning:

So looks like Team SD is going to take this one! :wink:

Actually there still should be a number of good players on the LA side. :slight_smile:

Results from the Super Turbo Fright club tournament last night. Thanks to everyone who showed up, especially those who traveled a long way. Thanks to Karl and Fred for the stream/setup/equipment. And to eltrouble for bringing hardware.

  1. Shotosallday (O. Ryu /Dee Jay / Dictator / Ken / Guile)
  2. ultracombo (Sagat / O. Sagat / Ryu)
  3. Digital Infamy (Ryu / Boxer)
  4. kuroppi (E. Honda / Zangief / Ryu)
  5. eltrouble (Dhalsim)
  6. Hugo101 (Boxer)
  7. Zaspacer (Dictator / O. Guile)
  8. Rice247 (Ryu / Cammy)

Brackets: http://damdai.com/tonamento/tournaments/5856/frightclub
Video: http://www.twitch.tv/arkadeum/b/473885924