OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

I’m hoping that Wright has Maya Shield as an assist of his own- thatd really help in making him a good member of teams.

Evidence seems like its eays to come by and easy to get to turnabout stance, I plan on doing so and staying in that mode because everything looks powered up. and then using the level 3 to finish the opponent off :slight_smile:

Thinking i might have to use haggar for his double lariat assist to help out wright(Unless arthur’s assist will do just fine)

I know how wierd this sounds, but it looks/sounds like he DOES say OBJECTION! when he does the move. The problem is (from what I can tell) if it connects, it changes his stance which cuts off his voiceover and makes him say “I have all I need.” Maybe his OBJECTION! move has two properties, one for it hits and one for it whiffs, since I doubt they would record him saying OBJECTION! just to get cut off. Come on Capcom, you’ve done good so far. Dont screw me over now.

I’m trying to think of where he’d be best placed on a team. He obviously needs meter to do really good (for his Level 3), so you’re going to need a battery on your team. He’d probably work best as the 2nd character. And since I main Chris this combination should work out quite nicely.

I was hoping he would be a level 1 hyper where he comes out with his mask charging up, getting brighter and brighter, prepared to attack the enemy!
…And then he throws a mug of coffee at them.

OPTIC… Erm… FUCK YOU! throws mug

only problem is coming up with someone whose a good battery for the team and also has a nice assist to help wright
i have arthur set up as my anchor(for obvious reasons)and wright probably as my point man

I think Maya’s shield shouldn’t be an assist, or the recommended one for battle at least. It should be mainly for on point to protect Wright as he gathers evidence.
I say that because in this game the recommended assists are more combo extenders, or have some offensive attribute to them -besides Morrigan’s meter building one of course-. I’d bring up MODOK’s shield assist not being used much, but not many people even play him. <_<
If it is an assist and used on zoning teams, it would be really good without much of a penalty IF Wright doesn’t stand along side Maya the whole time, she just comes out when he calls her, then he goes back while she stays there.

I only build meter for people I like. That’s one of my rules.




ha ha ive just seen one of his jumping attacks (against hulk in reveal trailer) he is pointing angrily at a sheet of paper saying ‘EXPLAIN IT!’

fucking awesome!

It looks as though PW only needs a good battery character for his lvl3 and seeing as how this game isnt as generous when it comes to building meter, I dont think anyone should have that as their #1 plan. It should be thought of like most lvl3s in Vanilla, if you got it use it, if not oh well.

Hsien Ko Gold Armor assist for coveing evidence gathering.

She…she might have a USE now! Holy ballsacks! Good thing I was planning on adding him to my team anyway but this seems like it might work out pretty well.

Also, the timer scams from that level 3 are gonna be delicious. Seems like it’ll be a good X Factor killer too.

I can think of a few good reasons he’d be great with Arthur, but on first impressions they both appear to be anchors/meter whores so I don’t know if they’d mesh well.

Lol imagine Phoenix Wright’s level 3 on himself.
Dis gai, he plays so strangely yet is so interesting like a weird keepaway kind of guy but also gets super charged into doing XF-like damage without XF.

:coffee: Agree

i guess i could use haggar as my meter building(Use Dat Pipe!)

Arthur should be fine for Wright with his dagger toss assist to assist Wright’s keepaway game especially if you have kings armor on.
Where in lies a possible issue as Arthur requires hyper meter to attain this state and it looks like Phoenix, sort of like Spencer, thrives off meter and will require a good stream of it to be at his maximum effectiveness.
It’s not a deal breaker as dagger toss is still pretty damn good without the power up, so you shouldn’t really worry as these notes are mainly speculation at this point so Wright’s overall meter building speed is still up in the air and requiring extra meter for Arthur’s armor shouldn’t really matter if you have a very effective battery, as well as many other things about Wright that are still up in the air but it’s so it’s just something you can consider at this point.

I’m still very surprised no one has mentioned one of Wright’s normals is sneezing on you…he fucking sneezes on you.

No…it’s his LAUNCHER.