OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Hmm, that makes sense. I wonder why the guide says 3 times…:wonder: oh well.

Just playing an hour or two on wright I can say this:

Getting into turnabout mode consistently is going to take some work. Finding good setups/etc.

If you actually get into turnabout mode and can tag out, the other person is fucked. His turnabout assist is just stupid retardedly off the charts good. It makes vanilla Haggar and Tron look like crap by comparsion - and that’s saying something.

The assist is too god like. I foresee people snapping Wright in just to get rid of the assist.

I actually had him take some damage from a ryu hadoken super (non-physical)

Was he powered up (Turnabout mode?) or was he in his regular mode. When in Turnabout mode he is fully invincible as an assist. He was probably not powered up or there is a glitch that hasn’t been found out yet.

See here: OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Holy smokes, that did not happen to me. Its either a glitch or S-Kill was baiting everyone when he said the assist was fully invulnerable. Thanks for the info.

Seth’s full of crap, he also said that raw tags no longer hit overhead but they still do lol.

I’m thinking that the Wright community needs to make a video about the true nature of Wright’s assists. You know how powerful or invulnerable and other sketchy properties about his assists. Also we need a Phoenix Wright video thread. Any ideas for a name?

Don’t know if it has to be a video, but it’d be neat to have more details on what the deals are with the assists (that thing about being hit bothers me more than it should whyyyyy). I’m assuming nothing was mentioned in the guide since Zephil hasn’t brought any light to the matter. I’d attempt to delve into this myself but I’m stuck in Nowhereland where we get everything fucking late so I’m just here sitting like a jealous seething tool on edge instead.

And second having a video thread. Just have it be the Phoenix Wright Video Thread or something until someone creative comes along and suggests a worthwhile title.

He still has complete start-up invincibility and should still be safe on block though, right? I don’t think it’s too much of a problem if he’s vulnerable for a couple of frames. That certainly didn’t stop Tron or Haggar in the previous game, and Press The Witness is like a moving version of them lol.

Just to let you guys know, I don’t think Get em’ Missile is invincible at all in turnabout mode. Even though press the Witness is godly, I was planning on having invincible missiles come out for constant unblockables with Ghost Rider, but he’s gotten caught so many times. It looks like many times even on startup.

And yeh even though press the Witness does have some sort of vulnerability on it, in the long run I think it’s too small and specific to really destroy the assist. It’s still gonna be great.

Also, I hit that combo I made a vide of on two people today online. Damn it felt good! I fucking love the way Wright plays in this game. It’s just so awesome. Even though he’s always going to be a bit of a wildcard, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I guess I can understand why Capcom didn’t make Get Em’ Missile invincible. It’s one thing to have an invincible projectile assist or a invincible wall-bounce assist, but it’s another thing entirely to have a invincible full-screen low-hitting move lol.

By the way, did you guys test Missile’s properties yet? Like, does he have durability or something?

Missle not invincible? I could’ve sworn I saw it run through a hailstorm though. Huh.

It beats out Storm’s Hailstorm? o_O

I don’t know my memory’s generally ass but I really thought I saw that happen.

OK, someone needs to test this. I would, but my copy of the game won’t come in until like Friday. I want to see what Missile is all about.

So Missile itself right? What about Wright?

Yeah, Missle itself. And I really don’t know about Wright since he isn’t in the hazy picture.

Well I’d just assume that Missile has physical hitboxes and no projectile durability, OR it stays on screen if all the durability is gone.