This may have already been answered, but if :atk:+:s: is used for finding, discarding, and presenting evidence, then how do you find any pieces of evidence after you’ve already found one? Can you not discard evidence until after you’ve already found three pieces?
Yup. Here’s one of my favs:
“Hell hath no fury like a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle.”
Each of the three slots is assigned a strength so :l: + :s: is for the left slot, + :s: is for the middle slot, and :h: + :s: is for the right slot. Once you have evidence, you can throw it while in investigation mode by pressing :atk: + :s: for the appropriate slot.
Duh, that makes sense. Not sure why I didn’t think of that.:oops: Thanks.
NP, imparting knowledge gives me joy
Oh wait, something just occurred to me. Phoenix Wright is going to be quite annoying to play as if you’re using a gamepad(instead of a stick).
Just imagine pressing +:s: on a PS3 controller. Yeah.
maybe you could remap any unused buttons to M+S?
Hey guys, this isn’t significant to gameplay or anything and I’m not sure if you’ve already seen, but jmoonies got an early copy of the game and uploaded a vid of the Marvel cast’s reaction to Wright’s lvl3. Apparantly he’ll do a Capcom one soon…
Also, would someone please tell me how you guys are getting the actual video in the post? Forum newbie here… :bluu:
Edit: NvM just copy/pasta’d tags off someone’s post who already did this.
Dude Shuma in that video is funny Just looks up and to the left.
I’m gonna map :s: to L2. Should make it easier to pick up all variations of the evidence that way.
I mapped :l: to L2 in vanilla MvC3 for the Taskmaster hyper combo, so I think I can do the same here lol
It disappoints me to see how meh the people playing PW in the videos are. I mean, I don’t expect them to be great or anything, but could they at least be as good as the trailer players? I mean really. It’s annoying seeing people dropping magic series and not even knowing how to combo fingers.
His gamestyle is like playing a minigame, while having MODOK-like normals as in extremely wierd (slime drop of MODOK and Phoenix Slip up), while having Gen Syndrome with two different stances with different normals, with addition of “what you see may not hit where you see it hits” elements of these normals, although they still have range.
Add in to that not all people can combo that well, even simple ABCD BBCD combos, and it would be obvious of how difficult to play Phoenix Wright right of the bat. I never even expected a trailer like display from any of the footages, he offers something very unique, new and akward to the players, and somehow a “handicap” from the start of the match.
I was gonna do the exact same thing. Seems like the best alternative by far because you’ll still have full control over the stick (option selects for blocks) while not making it awkward to call in defensive assists either.
Definitely going to have to get used to the L1+L2 THC though as a Wesker player though. Its gonna be sweet when I’m playing online and I through out the purple uppercut-thing after an OTG haha.
I like this one more:
So much that it should be added to the first post to honor Ultra David.
Every so often I tell myself:
Ugh do I really want to play UMvC3?
I had an entire moral dilema with not being able to find a team that suited me, so then I reassure myself to not buy UMvC3.
Then I come across more PW by the day, and slowly yet surely I get pulled back.
I know this game is going to be dumber / stupider / more annoying then vanilla, and I know we’re going to get a third version.
And yet somehow, someway, in my fanboy heart of hearts, PW just puts a smile on my face and a hand on my shoulder and says:
“Dude, fuck it. Have fun by playing me, the rest doesn’t matter!”
Guilty as charged Phoenix Wright, guilty as charged.
Why do you think I’m here?
Hey all. jmoonies uploaded the Capcom cast reaction to Wright’s lvl3 already.
It looks like you can actually assert some control over where the Autopsy Report (Peekaboo) projectile appears on screen. During KillerKai’s guest appearance on G4’s Fighting Words, they did the move a few times and one time it appeared right in front of him like Peekaboo and another time it appeared further forward, maybe at Vergil’s s.:h: range.