OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Does anyone else have a feeling Phoenix Wright has the potential to be top tier? Even without his power up he looks like someone with a terrific keepaway game: very solid GTFO with paper, barrier with Maya (whom I want as a DLC), fire off all kinds of blue bolts that seem fast and hard to dodge. Normals doesn’t seem to be bad. Damage seems to be good. With the powerup he looks absolutely terrifying.

Man, he looks like the ultimate Troll character.

This is awesome

The day that Dark Phoenix gets caught in Phoenix Wrights level 3 on tournament stream will be the greatest day in tournament history.

uh, ahem guys his level 3 builds meter. a lot of it in fact. you basically get more than 1 1/2 bars just by using it. that shit is too good.

I think the Maya shield looks really good, but I don’t think it’ll be broken. I mean it looks comparable to MODOK’s barriers from what I saw, they just can’t be used as assists.

I have no idea if this has been asked yet, but I wonder if the items you pick up effect the damage or something about the level 3?
Or it could be just that some items do more damage, stun, cause a dizzy, frozen, poison state, etc since you’re able to toss them.
Just speculating.

Since no one mentioned it, you have to find the correct evidence which either powers up his moves (by using OBJECTION!) or it’s just required to activate his lvl3. You know if you have the right evidence bc the background behind it lights up. Unneeded evidence can be thrown but Im not sure if you can accidentally throw needed evidence. So far it looks like each match(I doubt its character specific) has a different set of clues you must find.

… WTF??

This Fools Song is just Hard as fuck.

Phoenix Wright’s gameplay reminds me of Norimaru from MSH vs SF (JPN version):

No it doesn’t…

Phoenix Wright = the new troll character.

I think he means Pursuit Mode, which does indeed build meter unlike other power up hypers (Strider, Vergil, Dante, etc.).

I’m aware of that – however, what makes PW’s potentially better is what he can DO while Maya’s covering him. Gathering evidence while keeping away seems to be key to his gameplay, and Maya’s shield does just that, even without your actual assists. (God help us with that projectile covering Ghost Rider assist is used in conjunction with this…)That objection stance just has so many benefits that it’s not even funny.

Plus, while MODOK’s shield is purely vertical, Maya’s shield seems more rounded. That’s why I’m introducing the possibility that this shield blocks on all directions as long as he’s close enough to Maya.

dunno about high teir

think thast getting ahead abit , i havnt seen him do anything that hits in the space air dashers normal tend to be in

  1. Firebrand’s does
  2. It’s not a hyper

And where is ‘Pursuit Mode’ coming from anyway? I don’t get it.

I just noticed, does he actually say ‘OBJECTION’ at any point in the vids? The speech bubble pops up and he says ‘I’ve got all I need’. That seems… odd.

I think they needed to make the objection more noticable. He says “That’s all I need”, but what Pheonix should say is


Yes. The suspect should say “I have evidence I’m not the culpr----OBJECTION”.

Wright can actually heal his red health when he finds food.

Yep, I won’t get out of my house for a long time.