OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

I’ll be using Wright and Strange. All 3 of assists have a nice use with Wright in their own way, so I need to experiment. Not sure of 3rd for sure. I want someone lame with an otg assist to combo Objection barring other hitconfirmable, practical methods.

Still going to stick with Wright/Frank/Hawkeye for my main team. And after seeing how Wright plays and that Frank is confirmed to plays the same as in TvC I can see my team having synergy, well does have at least good synergy, depending on Frank’s assists. (Free Camera stun sounds nice and I hope Frank gets his fast OTG move as an assist.) So far Frank with Missile seems great because it can create an unblockable with Frank’s godly knee drop. I’m not sure what synergy Hawkeye and Frank have but so far I’m pretty sure Wright is friends with both of them.

Let’s put some hard thinking into this… Solid theory fighting squad GO!

For real though it could work. If you’re in investigation mode, you’ll be playing a keepaway game, so you’ll mostly rely on Maya’s Shield and Taskmaster arrows to keep people in place. However, that leaves you defenseless when people hop into the air. Spencer’s assist, Slant Shot, can help with that: if a character blocks, they’ll just fall to the ground and no harm will be done. However, on hit, it’ll drag them in. But since Nick can search for evidence really quickly the recovery shouldn’t be too bad and you can probably get a quick magic series off it.

But it’s in Courtroom mode where you’ll really have fun with this assist, I believe. If Spencer grapples them out of the air? The hitstun is actually quite large, the opponent stands there for a little while, possibly long enough to get your Objection! going. Even if the opponent blocks it - it’s the fear factor that matters. If they’re afraid to go into the air, you’ve got Taskmaster’s arrows to back up your ground-based offense.

Oh and Slant Shot’ll probably give you a pretty simple relaunch combo when you use Maya to OTG someone. And of course there’s good synergy between Task and Spencer, just look at Monsieur “Chef Bodyufree” Combofiend

Phoenix Wright teased at the end of the newest Ultimate Assist Me episode. In other words, Max will have a video of him already next week instead of going through the order of reveals.



I don’t know if I should feel happy that I won’t be seeing Vergil for another week or sad because I won’t see Iron Fist for another week.

Wright is good enough for me.


the ending




Seriously man, Trish-beam or trap/Wright-dog/Doom-missiles.

–Trish on point: first off, Trish got buffed, she’s even better now. She deals really well with a lot of good characters, has great space control, great speed. With Wright low dog assist, she can set up unblockables like with Wesker low right now. And with missiles backing her up she can run and control space and build meter even better. Why is building meter important? Why, for Lawyer of course. Once you’re ready, throw out boomerang super and hard tag into Wright.
–Wright on point: as the opponent is caught in Trish harvest, gather evidence evidence evidence. Before harvest ends, call Doom missiles to track onto the opponent so that they have to stay in block stun even longer just to make sure Lawyer has time to get the right evidence. Now you have stage 2 Wright with either Trish traps or beam depending on the matchup and with Doom missiles to help him control the situation. Play this until Wright dies or gets snapped or something.
–Trish/Doom: again, real nice pairing. Trish and Doom have both been buffed even though they were already really good. Doom can set up keepaway or offense or hit and run for Trish. Play this until Trish dies.
–Doom anchor: now you have a buffed Dr Doom on anchor. Sounds good!

Pretty excited about this team right now.

And oh yeah, I play Phoenix Wright in the next Assist Me vid.

Well if for some reason he decides to pair PW with iron fist next week then you’ll get both your wishes. Me Im a little disappointed cause I really wanted to see some iron fist and vergil stuff next week, but we have a substantial amount of info bout those 2 characters so I guess PW and Nova are welcome. I mean we don’t even know wat a PW combo is gonna look like so there will be a lot of learning going on next week when the vids drop.

I’m probably pairing Trish with Wright, but I’m going to be running it Tron/Wright/Trish or Wright/Tron/Trish…And I’ll be using Peekaboo. I think Peekaboo will do wonders for his anti-air while he gathers evidence. Maya + Peekaboo = only way to approach is behind him. He still has the issue of teleporters, but I doubt that anything other than the missiles is going to cure that. Although, Dr. Strange seemed to have some good assists, too…


I know Im late to the party, but goddamn did capcom do this guy justice with his alts. Im not even a fan of the game(never played it, prolly never will) but those alts are just awesome. Props to capcom, the ammy alts for missle are also pretty tight.

Planning on updating today with evidence projectiles. Anything else let me know. If you don’t quote this post, I probably won’t see it.

BTW, I don’t think the missile alt is Ammy. I think it’s meant to be Chibiterasu from Okamiden. That would make sense since Ghost Trick and Okamiden are both DS games.

I’m planning on pairing Phoenix Wright with Hsien-Ko and Sentinel. Both assists keep the opponent locked down, and one is completely invincible, and the other is a really good projectile to help with Wright’s mobility. And since Maya’s hissy fit hyper stays on screen when DHC’d out of, it can be DHC’d into Hsien-Ko’s armor then raw tagged safely back out to Wright. Well, that and I’d rock Lei-Lei and the giant robot over Strider and Doom any day :wgrin:

Phoenix Wright; Edgeworth color; Paperwork
Hsien-Ko; default color; Senpu-Bu
Sentinel; 90’s X-Men cartoon color; Sentinel Force (Charge)

Complete with raspberry colors :wink2:

I’m probably going to use Dante in the end for his Jam Session assist instead of messing with Vergil. It covers the air above him and is relatively protected by Maya. Sure, Doom is great but I’m not ready to jump on that bandwagon just yet. Ammy on Cold Star when I go from defense to offense. The entire team can also change order at will.

PWright: Missile
Dante: Jam Session
Ammy: Cold Star

Done and done. Team Ammy: we in there.

Yeah I think Ammy will probably work really well with Wright too. The 2nd team I’m really thinking about is Ammy-star/Lawyer-paperwork/Doom-missiles. Ammy and Doom we already know work really well together so that side is good. Ammy can do okami shuffle dhc Maya super, then evidence evidence while shuffle has opponent in block. Or with Lawyer on point and Ammy star on 2nd, if you have 2 bars just do team super to use shuffle for free evidence searches.

The only things I don’t like as much as the Trish team above are that you need 2 bars for free evidences and I’m not sure Wright will be mobile enough to get into range to really use cold star to lock the opponent down for evidence or mixups. I think he might want traps or Trish beam assists to help him play defense. But I like Ammy+Doom a lot.

So I dunno, can’t be sure without playing. But I really think Lawyer teams will need the ability to get cover for evidence like with Trish boomerang super or Ammy elements super, I don’t think just using assists will be effective enough. Maybe some of the new chars will have good superstition for this but I don’t really know which so far.










those aren’t mistakes. haha

In orange’s defense, many characters are getting orange versions. Each of them looks awesome, but Dante’s is just too much. Like “everyone gets shot”, well “everyone gets orange”.

Still, Doom will be getting many new friends this time, Vergil with his Swords, and Phoenix Wright. Phoenix, on the contrary, will be getting clients, and a new pet like Amaterasu.

do you guys think ghost rider’s flamethrower assist would help out wright?

So who thinks it would be funny to confuse the opponents with Ammy and PW’s Missile Assist out at the same time? same color alts for ammy and missile of course.