he seems like a cute little not-your-average-every-day fighter within the marvel vs capcom 3 boundaries. i’d have to gladly admit- i definitely can see myself enjoying his tactics from a lawyer crossed over into a fighter for mvc3. i think the sneeze thing is kinda…cute. now if y’all wanna talk smack about whack launchers… leave Iron Fist out. phoenix wright seems incredibley capable for his limits so far in the game… i’m sure he’ll be pretty darn funny winning Evo next year when all the Strider players find themselves in a real-life stage of Kattelox covered not in snow… but salt. meh, same difference.
Yeah all you need to prove to him that he’s a legitimate character is smash his face in.
So uh yea… stands up
Hi, I’m Yazumatto and I’m going to be using Phoenix Wright so I can have two Ammys on my team.
sits back down
I really wish people would learn the proper usage of the word “literally.”
But yeah, his alts are nice. I’m still going with the blue, though.
I’m going with the basic blue on Wright/Trish/Ammy… but other teams might necessitate other colours.
On that note – anyone have any ideas for a good third for Wright/Taskmaster/???
Doom is probably the best member of the old cast for your team, use his hidden missile assist to cover the vertical axis for Wright while Maya uses her shield to cover him from the front, and if Wright and Tasky get knocked out he’ll be even better by himself than he was in original MVC3 where he was still really solid thanks to his new buffs.
Out of the new cast members i’m not too sure although Strange and Hawkeye look like they will have pretty solid overall assists for wright if you use Strange’s tracking disc assist and hawkeyes vertical arrow assist (use in the same manner as Doom’s hidden missile assist) although having two bow and arrow characters might seem a little redundant if aesphetic appeal is important to you.
This is just speculation for the new characters so don’t take them too seriously as chances are I’ll be incredibly wrong in almost every single way imaginable.
Team synergy is usually best to find out when the game comes out, no one would’ve thought that Drones and Deadpool’s low assist would be the best 2 assists for Modok back in pre-release, until people found out that rushing down/doing unblockables > keepaway beamspam for him. He might be centered around getting evidence so he can use dat frying pan over and over again, who fucking knows?
I’ve heard rumors that one of Phoenix’s paper projectiles is an overhead. Is this true? Also, if it is, does this also mean that his assist hits overhead as well?
That’d be pretty crazy if true. And would explain a bit better why he has 2 versions of the move, one with his arm from the top other from the bottom…
But I think something that important would have been mentioned on the streams or something?
It’d be pretty funny if they they hit overhead or low respectively.
Phoenix mix-up options!?
Is there a video uploaded where Phoenix Wright doesn’t have the right evidence and goes into courtroom? I heard Seth Killian talk about it when he was giving the rundown of PW on the stream but I didn’t see it.
Spencer, go all orange team.
That’d be godlike, but is there any synergy there? :\
Btw, his sneeze launcher is exactly the same as Daimou from TVC: CGOH
An overhead projectile? Hmm…
Any info if you can combo out of his paper projectiles?
Now that I think about it, if his paper projectile truly is an overhead he can set up solo unblockables in the corner after an Air Series or something…
Looking at the trailer, it looks like it could be very possible, but I’m not sure if the hitstun on the paper projectile is just as good outside of Turnabout Mode. You can clearly see him hit Thor with it in the trailer and have enough time to backdash before he recovers.
I’m trying to think of potentially good teams that don’t necessarily involve Doom, probably because he was a character I was never interested enough in to learn. But those Hidden Missiles look far too valuable to not have on a team with Wright, aurgh.
I don’t see Wright and Spencer having that much of a solid synergy at all honestly, even though I really wish they had, due to him being one of my absolute mainstays. Spencer is the complete polar opposite of Wright; while Wright’s game focuses almost entirely on keeping the opponent locked out, Spencer is built all around getting them in your face and punishing them. The only assist I can see working in Wright’s favor is the Armor Piercer, but with Maya that’s redundant, and you’ll have no way of shielding yourself with anti-air assists.
Doom is going to be a very valuable asset, specially considering he’s probably going to be one of the best characters in the game. I never considered using Doom either, but I’m glad I actually like the character, because he fits like a glove.
Doom Hidden Missiles is a very good assist for PW,considering i just abused it over the NYCC weekend, but I’ve been thinking about using Dr. Strange with his tracking rings assist. I figure that the assist could help protect PW and the PW missile dog assist can help with unblockables, mixups and OTGs.
Doom got a new sexy orange alt too