OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: WHAT THE FUCK did i just watch? is pw gonna be the first “joke” character that you’ll have to take seriously?
this fool looking real goofball with one finger up his nose and one foot in dat ass.
i’ll read this thread and rewatch those vids later. my brain hurts.

My strat. PW/Doom

Wright chills back there while Doom (Missiles) and Maya keep them busy. I just have to make sure not to do this against anyone with fullscreen supers. I hope Wright gets a hyper with invulnerability. I plan on abusing that ‘Turnabout’ mode… :badboy:

i just hope that his evidence gathering thing isnt TOO random. not that itll stop me playing as him.

Yup, it hits low. Get em’ Missile! :smiley:

My main will probably be Strider/Ghost Rider/Nemesis
but Mr. Wright you’re on team #2

Phoenix Wright/Dormmamu/Sentinel (or Frank West)

You had to take Roll seriously in TvC, same with certain other ‘joke’ like characters in some games.Maids can be deadly while cleaning

Sweet jesus, a low assist on a character I would actually play? Since when do good things happen to me? His other assists look good as well.

Hmm, Strider/Doom/Wright? Dante/Strider/Wright? Spidey/Strider/Doom? I also like the look of Strange and Iron Fist. SO MANY CHARACTERS I WANT TO PLAY!

The evidence pick up is so quick, I can’t imagine it being too random. Pretty much every match I’ve seen, the second bad evidence is picked up, it’s throw and then new evidence is picked right back up. I’d imagine that if you give yourself enough room and back yourself up accordingly, you can cycle through evidence without much risk. How much red health do the food evidence give back? I feel like that is the weirdest/most worrisome random factor in there.

I’m a big advocate of “Dan is solid” in quite a few games, namely SSFIV and Alpha 2.

I might drop Deadpool for Wright. Ionno yet, I wanna see Wright’s third assist, but I was starting to use quick work instead of katana rama after I got my combos with V.Joe down. I also need a third character for my V.Joe/Wright team…Only characters I want to play are morrigan, deadpool, vergil, firebrand, and maybe strider or frank west.

Assists are paper sheaf/walk forward/Missile.

Paper sheaf is a highish durability multihit projectile (moreso if you tag out in Turnabout), walk forward is apparently invincible???, and Missile hits low I guess

Not only did missile hits low but it looks like Wright appears behind the main char so that makes the assist very safe. I think Missile is the only projectile assist that hits low (not counting the ones that OTG)

Fuck! I forgot about Joe’s new dodge tech. I really wanna mess around with that. Dodge into Mach Speed looks so God damn fun! Does Deadpool have much new stuff?

“Press the Witness” is that attack where Wright walks forward with the piece of paper right? Anyone here think that’ll soft-knockdown on assist as well (as it’s been shown to do on point)? I can see it as a decent combo extender…

I think Seth pretty much said that in the stream, that the paper walk would act as a good combo extender.

I thought he had a finger point assist?

If walk foward is invincible, I’m for sure using it.

wow his mobility is bad lol

When Ultimate comes out, I don’t know where I should be with Wright.
In the lab… or in the court?

You can also do dodge into Groovy upper. its like giving the uppercut invincibility! Throwing around dodges in blockstrings to bait attacks/advance guards then smacking the opponent with a special/hyperis gonna be fun.

Not really T_T his projectiles are faster, I guess.

Watching that stream with Seth already confirms Wright on my second team. Trish/Wright/Doom. Round harvest, tag in Wright or hidden missiles to find evidence. He looks very fun to use.